Chapter 16

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Inpu's POV

With both my parents and Bryan's parents being proven to be incredibly sucky, we were doing everything we could to just ignore the thoughts of our parents.

Thankfully, we didn't interact with Bryan's parents since we weren't in the realm much, and my parents hadn't been back since my mom came by to speak with me.

I was enjoying the quiet around the house while Bryan was nearby trying to warm up since it was a bit cold.

We had a random tv show playing, so we were focused on that meaning we weren't really talking about anything.

Bryan was still shivering, so I began to move closer to him.

Once I moved next to him, he quickly shifted so he was leaning on me, so I just got comfortable since now my fiancée was cuddled up, meaning I couldn't move.

"you're warm"

"I'm glad your comfortable...I think?"

"Can you wrap your tails around me?"

"Why are you so snuggled up today?"

"I used to live somewhere it didn't get cold, I prefer being warm, and your tails and body heat are a good way to get warm"

"You lived somewhere it got cold, so this comes from somewhere else"

"Am I not allowed to cuddle?"

"If you want to cuddle, you can always just ask, you know I won't refuse"

"Yeah, but I like faking you into cuddles"

"Everyday you surprise me more, I can't wait until you become my husband"

"Me either, I just hope everything goes according to plan"

"It will, I've already found someone to preform the ritual, we don't need my parents there, all we need to do is make sure you look gorgeous"

"Oh? And what did you have in mind?"

"I've already told you this, traditional attire, I just need to make sure it has easy access for when we're alone"

"You sure I can't see it ahead of time?"

"I'm positive, its meant to be something your surprised with as a sort of pre wedding gift from me, but I know you'll love it~"

"So when you say something traditional, how are we talking? Like the type of things they made us wear during sacrifices, or something similar to human weddings?"

"Similar to sacrifices, but there is more detail to it because of what I need to add based off you"

"And why do I need to wear something that shows what I have done or not?"

"Because its tradition to know some things about a sacrifice, the biggest one being if you're a virgin or not, why it needs to be known, I don't know since its something we've talked about before, but I'm not going to break wedding traditions cause I sorta like them"

"Your traditions are interesting"

"I know, but I'd do the same for you, so I guess its understandable"

"You don't give yourself enough credit, I was raised to do this, you respect me despite the fact you don't have to, I think the fact you'd be willing to follow human traditions says a lot"

"My goal is to keep you comfortable, I can't do that if you're constantly worrying, and if I get a little extra from it, that's just a reward that says I'm doing well"

"Speaking of a little reward, we haven't had any romantic time as or recent due to stress of everything, how about a little make out session~?"

"I love the way you think~"

We quickly moved so we'd be comfortable, but as we started to kiss, it quickly shifted to Bryan laying on the couch while I was on top of him making sure he couldn't move just so he wouldn't fall.

I soon heard him start to moan as we kissed, and after what felt like forever, we separated so we could breath.

He was heavily panting, so to give him more time to breath, I began to bite his neck, making sure I'd leave marks.

It became apparent that I was starting to get a but too in the mood, so Bryan put his hand on my chest which was my indicator I had to stop, so I did.

I moved so I was no longer on top of him, but Bryan quickly moved so he was pressed up on my body as much as he could.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to go to far"

"You're fine, I would've let you do more, but I needed more time to breath, you biting and causing me to moan more just wasn't something that would help"

"Then maybe we should finish this tonight~"

"I guess we could, but don't you have something else to do tonight?"

"Oh, trust me, its a simple meeting, I don't even need to attend it, meaning if I need to show you something similar to what I truly want to do, I can~"

"And that's my cue to sleep in the guest room tonight"

"What? I make jokes like this all the time, what's the difference now?"

"We have about a month until our wedding and I can tell you can't wait much longer, so if I need to sleep in the guest room until the wedding to make sure I stay pure to avoid last minute changes to my outfit, I will"

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, I'd just make you wish I did~"

"Yeah I'm sleeping in the guest room"

"Oh come on, why can't I just have a little fun?"

"Because your senses are heightened today and I don't want to deal with it while half awake"

"And what's stopping me from going into the guest room and messing with you?"

"A lock that I know you have no idea where the key for it is"

"You wouldn't!"

"Try me~"

He gave me a challenging smile and I couldn't help but just smile back at him.

It was clear he didn't know what I was smiling at, but he didn't need to know.

I was just proud of the recovery he has made, I watched him go from this scared person who could barely look me in the eyes to this person who grew to love and care for me like I had grown to love him.

He kept staring at me with a confused expression since he still had no idea what I was smiling at him for, but I couldn't help but just pull him close.

We stayed snuggled up for a while, not really thinking about anything else for a while.

Eventually, we both got hungry, so we decided to just get some food and call it a night.

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