Chapter 18

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Bryan's POV

Whenever I was woken up early, I knew I'd have to do something or interact with someone who didn't live in the house, which I slowly began to dread.

Thankfully, Inpu told me last night that it was just a friend of his plus the husband and wife of the friend, so I'd have someone to talk to.

From what I was told, the friend was Xyo and I knew I had met him briefly, but I didn't know he was not only married to two people, but his wife was a fallen angel.

They arrived pretty early in the morning, so I brought the other two into another room so we could introduce ourselves.

"So now that we're in a better area, I guess now introductions are an order, I'm Bryan" [Bryan]

"I'm Cal, I've been in the demon realm about three years now, and my marriage power gain was related to time, so I can start and stop time at will" [Cal]

"The name's Zara, I've been here about three months now, and I guess all I got was more angelic boost to my power, but other than that, nothing much" [Zara]

"Damn, so you've been here about the same amount of time as me" [Bryan]

"I guess so, how come Xylo said you were Inpu's Fiancée, I got married to Cal and Xylo at most a month after I got here, how come you aren't married yet?" [Zara] 

"Because we're waiting for the blood moon, my cult traumatized me so Inpu wants the side effects of both to happen at the same time so I'm in less pain" [Bryan]

"Consider yourself lucky, I get constantly teased because I can't go more than an hour, your demon at least seems to want to give you the chance to keep up" [Cal]

"Oh come on, its not that bad" [Zara]

"You literally took turns messing with me in bed the other night" [Cal]

"Ok...didn't need to know that" [Bryan]

"Sorry, this one likes pressing my buttons, only saving grace is that Xylo isn't safe either" [Cal]

"Its fine, I've heard worse when Inpu is in a mood, I just make sure he doesn't go too far" [Bryan]

"Damn, I wonder what those conversations are like" [Zara]

"Worst I've gotten is that he wants me down so bad I become a fallen...angel....I'm sorry is that insensitive?" [Bryan]

"You're fine, considering you don't seem to know what the angel counsel is like, you can make jokes like that and I wouldn't give a care in the world" [Zara]

"Angel council? This is the first time I'm hearing of it" [Cal]

"Same here" [Bryan]

"Its just a dumb group of angels who have a bad superiority complex so while some angels could literally rob a bank and keep their purity, others like myself just get a glance and its decided to just send you to the demon realm or hell" [Zara]

"What's the difference between here and hell?" [Bryan]

"Hell is a lot warmer and its easier to burn off feathers, here everything at least looks nice and despite most of the demons seeming very cruel, its actually not too different from the human realm" [Zara]

"Note to self, never get sent to hell" [Cal]

"I feel like that's pretty easy to avoid considering all of us are in love with demons that deal with death" [Bryan]

"True, but still, I feel like that is something we don't want to deal with" [Cal]

"You probably don't its very sticky there" [Zara]

"Alright, so that's key for we'd burn up in seconds" [Cal]

"Glad I wasn't the only one getting that impression" [Bryan]

"Yeah, its really not that hard to get a read on Zara after a small conversation, at least, that's my experience, she could be like this right now cause we were told we were visiting a friend" [Cal]

"Trust me, if Xylo didn't say we were visiting someone with another angel, I wouldn't be speaking at all, I've learned that the hard way" [Zara]

"Let me guess, someone slapped you?" [Bryan]

"Yeah, trust me, had Xylo not stopped me, I would've thrown hands" [Zara]

"You'll get used to it, actually, others treating us like we're nothing cause they forget not all of us are sacrifices is the reason I've stopped going to meetings" [Cal]

"That's the same reason I only go to meetings if I have doctor's appointments afterwards" [Bryan]

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say the doctor's appointments are to make sure you're going to be fine for the wedding?" [Zara]

"Yeah, Inpu wasn't born with his magic cause he was the rare chance, so since he just needs to be in the pentagram while the ritual is done, he decided we'd just find someone to preform the ritual for us" [Bryan]

"So that's why he wanted to meet with Xylo" [Cal]

"Pretty much, but for all I know he's also asking about something else" [Bryan]

"They likely are talking about something else, normally they could just do this over the phone, if they want to meet in person, they have something else they need to talk about" [Cal]

"So I take it you're the one we should go to for questions, you have been here longer than both of us" [Bryan]

"I guess, I can't say a lot, I typically stay indoors, its safer than having to walk the streets, but I do know enough to be able to stay safe" [Cal]

"Hey, anything helps, the two of us are arguable the most vulnerable because of our angelic features" [Zara]

"The one thing I hate about being an angel in a demon realm..." [Bryan]

"I feel that more than you would think" [Zara]

"On another note, since the two of them will be a while, I can go find on of the maids and have them bring us something to eat if you both are hungry" [Bryan]

I noticed both of them seemed almost shocked that I offered, granted no one really offered to feed others here, but I still thought it was a kind gesture.

I quickly went and found one of the maids and had them bring out a few different things for us to eat while we let Xylo and Inpu talk.

After a few hours, the two of them finished their mini meeting, so I said my goodbyes before they ended up leaving.

Zara is not my character, she belongs to 

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