Chapter 42

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Bryan's POV

Inpu and I had been doing great since we got back together and I couldn't be happier.

Only downside I had with it was I was constantly scared that his father would find out what Inpu was doing every day and would take it out on me.

Thankfully, the kids knew to be calm with Inpu if he seemed to be in a fuss from something, so then it would be my issue, but I didn't really mind, after all, all he would do is press his body into me while cuddling.

Our worries didn't really come up, we had no reason to when everyone who could cause us harm would either avoid us or were in the demon realm and had no idea where we were.

That was what we thought at least, that was until tonight.

It was a quiet day, nothing really happened, and once the kids were asleep, Inpu and I went to watch a movie before we heard a knock on the door followed by Phoenix barking.

Thinking it could've been a friend of mine coming over to leave something I planned to pick up soon, I went to open the door, but once I opened the door, I nearly froze in shock and fear.

Anubis was standing there, and something was telling me it wouldn't end well for me.

I couldn't let Inpu know, but Anubis knew I had two of the kids with me, so I squeezed my way outside and shut the door.

"Can I help you..?"

"Yes you can, and don't lie about any of this, I know you know what I'm capable of"

"I do, sir, but I will inform you, I will not be leaving the premises of my house"

"Don't worry, I have no use for you, my son already got what he needs from you, but I do need to ask, where is he?"

"I haven't spoken to Inpu since I managed to sneak out again, for all I know he's looking for me again, I've got nothing though"

"You sure, I swear I can feel his power here"

"Positive, I managed to sneak out with the triplets though, you could be sensing them"

"Alright, if you aren't hiding him here, then you won't mind me taking a look inside"

"Actually, I do mind, my kids are sleeping, I don't need you waking them by searching my house"

"Bryan, I will only say this once, let me in"

"No, I'm not scared of you anymore, you said it yourself, you don't need me anymore, meaning I don't need to let you in my house, now if you excuse me, I need to go back to planning my week"

"Inpu didn't uphold his part of the deal, so I may still need to use you for a second go"

"That's not my problem, I nearly died the last time, I've gotten more protection because of that, you put one hand on me and you'll be the one in trouble"

I tried to sneak my way back inside, but before I could, Anubis grabbed me so I quickly used a light attack and let out a scream, thus causing everyone inside to know something was going on.

Crystal's room was right above the door, so she jumped out from the window and was at my side first, but she made it known that I wasn't alone.

Anubis was forced to take a step back, but once he did, Inpu had the poor timing of exiting the house.

"I knew you were a liar" [Anubis]

"Dad, I've told you to leave me alone, I only got my power back, any power you gave me should've been given back" [Inpu]

"Then how come I still feel the way I did before?" [Anubis]

"Can someone explain what's going on?" [Crystal]

"Nothing, just go inside, I'll explain later" [Bryan]

She quickly ran in, and as the door was open, I heard the panic of the kids, so I knew I'd have a good amount of explaining to do with Inpu.

"Inpu, give me the power" [Anubis]

"NO, I shouldn't need to give you a single ounce of power, I got back the power I needed by a way I really hated in the end, if that didn't reverse it for you, that's not my problem" [Inpu]

"Then I suppose I should just take one of the pures you have in that house, any of them would work" [Anubis]

"None of us would survive that, I barely survived before and our kids aren't strong enough to survive that" [Bryan]

"You think I care about that? If I have to switch to life force, so be it, I just need my power back so I can regain control over the realm" [Anubis]

"I won't let you do anything, I've finally started a family I'm proud to be with, yes it took me forever to realize it, but I have my husband and kids, power means nothing to me now" [Inpu]

"Then you wouldn't mind giving me my share" [Anubis]

"Yeah, but that's not the point, I shouldn't need to give you power, you're powerful enough, ask literally any of your supporters for power, mine already know I've thrown that part of my life out" [Inpu]

The two of them just started to argue more and more, so I managed to get inside without being noticed, so I explained to the kids what was going on and got them back into bed since it was late and a school night.

After about an hour, Inpu came back inside and found me waiting for him in my room, is it technically our room? Who knows, the situation was still weird.

"I'm guessing you won?"

"Yup, if by win you mean he caved before me"

"That's about what I expected"

"What? He goes after you, I save you, and get no reward? Seems a bit unfair to me"

"And what kind of reward do you want?"

"Well, I have a pretty good idea~"


Before I could ask any questions, Inpu pinned me to the bed, something he didn't do often, so I could tell he wanted something.

Not wanting to disappoint, I just gave Inpu our normal sign of agreement, and he started to show excitement.

We went till we both were out of energy, and from there, we went to sleep, but I couldn't help but feel like I wasn't truly alone with Inpu, but I chose to ignore it for now.

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