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Chapter Two: Hazel

"I just want you to give me a simple t-shirt, Piper, not a wedding dress." Hazel said to her non-chalantly.

Piper's room was a mess. There were mountains of clothes everywhere. It was very difficult to walk through the room without shoving pieces of clothing to the side.

"How did you pack these things?" Hazel asked.

"I didn't. My mother did." Piper said like it was obvious.

"You're mother? Oh, you mean, Venus." Realization dawned on Hazel.

"Aphrodite." Piper corrected. The Greek and the Roman demigods are still figuring out this nationality schizophrenic barrier between them.

"Right. But how?" Hazel asked.

"You see that closet over there?" Piper pointed at it at one side of her bed.

"Well, yeah." Hazel didn't know where this was going.

"Well, My mother put it over there. She said that most of the time, the closet's empty. But when a child of Love needs clothes, well, a wide variety of it pops in from nowhere. So that's why I manage to keep pulling out clothes from it infinitely. My mother chooses those clothes. So don't blame me." Piper said, wanting to make it clear that she doesn't own that much extravagant clothes.

Hazel went silent. She kept on looking at Piper, who would instantly pull out clothes from her closet. They were sitting there for two hours. And besides, Frank might be looking for her.

Piper didn't strike Hazel as a girl who worries too much about her appearance. She was beautiful without trying (an obvious inherited trait from her mother.) A strong, independent female, very much like Annabeth. Sure, she didn't have the daughter of Athena's wisdom, or brains, but she did have the wits brought about by incredible improvisation (then again, demigods are good at improvising, especially in dire situations like, oh, killing monsters!)

Even if Piper didn't care about what she looks like, in giving Hazel a makeover? Oh boy, was she Aphrodite's daughter:


"Too classy."

"Too flashy."

"Too girly."

"Piper?" Hazel asked. Though she didn't pay her any attention.


"Too Victorian Era- ish."

"Too 12th century- ish."

"Too furry."

"Piper McLean?" Hazel asked once again.

"Too dull."

"Eww." Piper stuck her tongue out.

"Too mature."

"Um...who in Aphrodite would wear this?" Piper had a sour look on her face. "Why would girls with even half a brain wear this?"

Hazel gave up. Then, suddenly, she knew exactly what to say. She cleared her throat and said:

"Beauty Queen?"

Piper stopped picking clothes from her closet. She faced Hazel and raised an eyebrow on her.

"You know, I don't like that nickname." She said.

"I know, Beauty Queen."

"Only Leo calls me that."

"I know, Beauty Queen."

"You're starting to sound like Leo."

Hazel looked away, unable to comprehens what Piper's comment was insinuating. She started tapping her fingers on her lap like she was ADHD. Piper raised an eyebrow on her. She preceded on picking clothes from her closet.

"Wow, this looks good on you, Hazel." She said, pulling a mint-colored flannel from the closet.

Hazel looked at it. She liked the color, really. Apparently, Piper knew fashion.

She smiled at her.

"Like it?" Piper handed the shirt to her.

"Well, yeah. I mean it's simple, but cute." Hazel complimented the shirt. "Though I don't really know if it's...me."

Piper smirked. "Oh trust me, it's you." She smiled, but after a few seconds, it faded.

"What?" Hazel stood up, curiosity dawning on her face.

"Percy would've liked the color, I mean, he's being son of the sea- god and all. And Annabeth, too." Piper replied sadly.

Hazel doesn't know what to say. She doesn't know how to make her feel better. Their fall was an ugly truth everybody wanted to believe was a dream. She was the one who saw the web. She and Nico were the ones closest to Annabeth and Percy. She just kept on screaming and screaming for the others that will never come.

She felt so hopeless, and incredibly useless. She had her sword. The web was just a few stupid feet away from her, and she didn't cut it. It was just an easy task. With one swing of her sword, then the webs cut. She was just so weak and helpless. It was the like the ground prevented her from running toward Annabeth.

She felt ashamed of herself. Then suddenly, anger and pure hate surged inside of her.

"Why didn't you just do it?!" Hazel shouted.

"What?" Piper asked.

"Nothing. Just...nothing." Hazel denied.

"You're thinking of Annabeth and Percy." Piper guessed.

"Well, yeah." She replied.

"Hazel," Piper said, holding Hazel's hand. "You can't take the blame for yourself. I mean, Leo thinks it's his fault because he opened the fortune cookie. Jason thinks it's his, too because he didn't fly over to them and save them. Nico, too because he let go of them. Frank might've turn into something useful. Me, too. I mean, charmspeak can also help right? But we didn't. Everything happened so suddenly that in just one blink of an eye Annabeth and Percy was already freefalling to Tartarus."

Then, Piper hugged her so suddenly that it caught Hazel off-guard. Her hug was like everybody else's, but the way Piper sends warmth and love throughout her body was one of a kind. Piper gave Hazel a whole new meaning of love, her being the child of Aphrodite and all.

"Thanks, Piper." Hazel broke the hug and wiped a tear from her cheek. Piper also did.

They stared at each other intently. For once, Hazel felt incredibly close to her. It was like they've known each other forever despite the fact that they've only known each other for days.

Hazel smiled, and Piper smiled.

"You know, Jason's a lucky guy, Piper." Hazel said.

"And Frank is, too." Piper replied, holding Hazel's hand.

"Why don't you go dress up now? You can take the bathroom over there. Let's go give the guys a surprise, huh?" Piper beamed.

Apparently, Hazel liked the idea.

"Okay, but, um, what about the mess?" She asked.

"Oh, that's easy." Piper smirked. She snapped her fingers, then the whole room turned clean and spotless.


Author's Note:

Hey, guys! This is the second chapter to this fanfiction! Hope you enjoyed it!

And this is finally edited.


Stick to the Normal and Stay Weird! X

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