BoO Update!

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Hey there, amazing people of the world! So, I'm almost finished reading House of Hades (and I'm not giving spoilers), and I have finally set the publication date for my Blood of Olympus fan fiction.


OCTOBER 27,2013

Two weeks more! I wanted to post the first chapter on my 13th birthday. The day that I would FINALLY become a teenager. And mind you, this is on Philippine timezone, and our time here is one day ahead of US time. So for those that are living in US, or countries that has a same time with America, expect an update by October 26 late in the evening or October 27 that is REALLY early in the morning. But I'll try my best to post it at a time that we're all awake.

I'm planning to make this a two-part series, but I'll keep you guys posted when I post the first chapter.

I'm also planning to post my very first original story, which is--wait for it: a romantic one.

Bet you didn't see it coming, huh?

I love writing fan fictions but I would also like to be appreciated as a writer who has original ideas, plot, and characters. Not a writer who writes a story that is someone else's.

If you're a boy and you don't like the lovey-dovey stories, it's fine. But to those girls out there, I KNOW YOU WANT IT. DON'T PRETEND YOU DON'T.

The title of the story will be: To The Moon and Back. I hope you support me as well as you have supported me in HoH.

I love you just as Blackjack loves donuts.

-Stick to the Normal and Stay Weird! X

Heroes Of Olympus: House Of Hades (By Rick Riordan) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now