Percy (Part 2)

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Chapter Twenty-One: Percy (Part 2)

Ordering Annabeth to attack Arachne was such a huge blunder; too bad Percy realized this only just now.

They were currently crouching behind a huge boulder, hiding several feet away from the monstrous creature. They were both breathing heavily and their faces were covered with beads of sweat. They smelt like they haven't taken a shower for days (which is, in fact, the literal truth). Their shirts were torn and there were splotches of mud here and there.

Percy's dark hair were greasy and chunks of hair were pointing in various directions, making his hair look like a hilarious Mohawk or a bird's nest (I seriously think that the second description fits perfectly to what his hair looked like). He held Riptide on his hand while holding Annabeth's on the other, as it trembled in fear and anxiety. 

Annabeth was trying her best not to cry. It was pretty hard for her to attack your most biggest fear for the second time. As she slowly processed what happened while she charged the creature from behind, just as what Percy had said; her climbing on top of Arachne's furry body and then stabbing the creature in the neck with her knife as the two of them ran, grabbed her backpack, and went into hiding; her eyes shot up as she stared right at her empty hand.

She left her freaking weapon with the bad monster.

No, Luke..., She thought.

Percy noticed his girlfriend's sudden change of expression. He looked at her intently and once again, talking to her with his mind.

What is it?

I left my knife with Arachne, Annabeth said.

The one Luke gave to you?

No, the one Clarisse gave to me, Annbeth retaliated. 

Percy gave her a look.

Of course, it was the one Luke gave to me!

Percy's eyebrows shot up. Ooh, why so sensitive?

I'm not being sensitive!

Yes, you are.

No, I'm not!

Yes, you are.

No, I'm not!

Yes, you are!

No, I'm not!

"Demigods, come out, come out, wherever you are." Arachne cried out loud, her tone filled with amusement and confidence. "I know, you're out there somewhere." She added.

Percy looked at Annabeth. What are we going to do?

I don't know. You were the one who made me attack Arachne.

Hey! What does that mean?

Oh, nothing.

Nothing, my butt.

I'm sorry, what was that? Annabeth asked in a mocking tone.

Oh, did I stutter? Percy retaliated.

Okay, let's stop this childish fight.

You were the one who--

We can't fight each other while were dealing with a much bigger problem!

Hey! You're not the boss--

Save it!


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