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Chapter Fifteen: Hazel

The moment she saw the ruins of the supposed Greek camp, Camp Half-Blood, her heart sank in sadness.

She saw Piper gasp in terror the moment her eyes landed on their destroyed camp. She was sobbing quietly next to Jason who kept reassuring her that everything was gonna be alright, though he looked like he was reassuring himself. Leo's face was gloomy and dubious while he fiddled with some copper wires and gears. Nico's eyes filled with rage despite the fact that he'd been called a traitor by his own kind.

That moment, all Hazel could do was shut her eyes close and think of the happy times she was with Sammy. That dream couldn't be real. Sammy couldn't kill Percy. He was already dead. And he wasn't the type of person who can kill and abuse anyone. His face was so angelic and innocent to be thought of as a murderer.

Relax, Hazel. Gaea just wants you to be weak, She thought to herself.

She forced to open her eyes. In the corner of her eye, she could see Frank's face sink. She knew he was just feeling the same thing she was feeling right now.




She gave Frank's hand a tight squeeze, if you call it a squeeze, since Frank's hand was really rough and buffy and hard; in order to let him know she was still there. She knew her very presence could calm Frank in a matter of seconds.

Leo's head shot up. "Guys, we need to get moving. We have seven minutes before we land. Ready your weapons and let's roll." He said, trying to keep a straight face.

Everybody seemed to be knocked out from their trance. Every one started moving rapidly. Making sure their weapons was secured and ready. Jason was packing enough ambrosia and nectar for those injured later when they drop down. Piper was practicing her lines, charmspeak of course. Frank was counting his arrows and making sure they were alright.

Hazel approached Jason slowly and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and faced her with a small grin on his face.

"What is it, Hazel?"

Hazel hesitated for a second to long. She sighed and stared at him. "I'm sorry."

Jason's eyebrows knitted. "For what?"

Hazel just stared at him and apparently he got the message. 

Jason wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "It's not your fault, Hazel." He said, plastering a smile.

Hazel faced him. "But still, I'm the one asking sorry for what they did." She said.

"But, Haz--"

Hazel cut him off. "Just say 'it's okay', Jason." She said.

He hesitated, then smiled half-heartedly. "Alright. It's okay, Hazel."

Hazel nodded with a smile, then walked off to Frank. 

Leo bursted out from the engine room. "Guys, we're touching down."

"Where in the camp?" asked Jason.

"Strawberry Fields. Fortunate for us there are no strawberries planted. And yeah, that's a good place to land without getting killed since everybody had set there base at the cabins. But yeah, apparently we'll attract their attention so..." Leo looked at everybody, who stared at him awkwardly.

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