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The son of Jupiter looked at his sister. "Please be careful." He said.

Without turning around, she answered back, "You, too. Iris-Message me once you get to Epirus, okay?" She ordered, as she shot a few more arrows.

"I will." He assured her.

"Oh, and Jason?"

"Yeah?" He asked loudly.

Thalia tilted her head enough to look at him straight in the eye. "Tell," Her voice croaked. "Tell Nico that I'm sorry."

Jason didn't know what she meant, but he agreed anyways. "I will."

That's when he flew to the sky towards the Argo II.


Chapter Twenty Four: Hazel

Hazel Levesque watched as the thin body of Jason Grace fly towards them, his backpack slung on one shoulder. She also watched Piper greet him with a kiss on the cheek and a playful slap on the shoulder because she was becoming frantic that he had died because of the fight below, causing her heart to ache. She was jealous because she knows she could never have a stable relationship, even though she has Frank; jealous that they can manage to take care of each other despite the circumstances; jealous because Piper was lucky enough to have Jason. And the thing is, she was jealous of the two of them because she knows she could never be with the one she truly likes.

After a few worried comments from Piper, Hazel heard Jason speak up. "Guys, what's going on?" His eyes searched around, waiting for a reply; but all he received was a gulp from Frank and a snort from Coach Hedge.

"Let's just say that Octavian is one psychotic Roman." Hazel heard Piper say.

"That definitely doesn't clear things up for me. I deserve an explanation." Jason demanded. "I was sleeping peacefully, well, I was having a dream; then Reyna yelled something about killing me before Octavian does if I don't wake up, then slaps me hard in the face. Then--"

"Woah, time out!" Piper ordered. "She slapped you?"

"--she told me to pack my bags and go to the ship; and when I came out the Zeus cabin, I saw Romans and Greeks killing each other and the Hephaestus kids blowing up Greek fire, then Thalia comes up to me and orders me to get the hell out of here and go to Epirus, then Reyna says sorry to me and Thalia told me to tell Nico that she's sorry, and trust me, I don't know what the damn hell is going on between you two," He eyed Nico, who gulped nervously at his gaze. "Then I flew here to the ship." He finished off. "Now, tell me," The son of Jupiter paused. "Does it look like I understand what's going on? 'Cause it's pretty damn obvious that I am frustrated by all of these,"

There's something going on with Jason and I's siblings? Hazel thought disbelievingly.

Just then, the intercom's light turned green followed by a series of inaudible sounds they couldn't make. It was like the engine room was being passed by a cyclone. Everything seems to fall on the ground.

"Arrgghhh! Get off of me!" The faint voice of Leo Valdez said. The demigods just stood there, listening intently to the intercom. A several seconds after, they heard a punching sound and falling metal tools followed by a choking, gurgling sound. Right then and there, Hazel Levesque inferred that someone had squeezed Leo's neck, choking him in the process.

"What, Leo? We can't hear you!" Jason shouted at the speaker.

"Die, you little twa--" A husky, cold voice that was unlikely to be Leo's, boomed on the speaker.

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