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Chapter Thirteen: Jason  

Okay, here's what happened for the past twelve hours:

1.) Hephaestus visited the Argo II. 

2.) He offered to fix the ship, in one condition, but he never managed to tell them exactly what it is (that was expected though, since the gods never helped without asking for something in return).

3.) Jason agreed to seal the deal, in one condition, make the ship sail faster. 

4.) Hephaestus agreed, in one condition, give him ten drachmas. (I know, cheap, right? But Jason managed to not ask and complain.) 

5.) Hephaestus talked privately with Leo, though he wasn't so sure what they talked about. 

6.) After thirty agonizing minutes, they managed to get Hephaestus off-deck and set sail to Greece. 

7.) The rest, is need to know.

(A/N: That, my fellow demi-cupcakes, is how you summarize a story! Yeah! I just summarized that part since I figured that'll make the chapter longer, and of course, I'm really desperate to get to the point. XD)

(A/N: So since that was just a summary, let me start the chapter from here:)

"She what now?" Jason yelped like a little sissy girl screeching and complaining just because he couldn't sink in his mind the deluge of information.

"HazeldiedawhileagobutshesomehowcamebacktolifeandIdon'tknowwhyshedidn'twantmetotellyoubutIfiguredyoushouldknowitbutpleasedon'ttellherItoldyou." Nico said beyond understanding, his breathing winded, his voice a husky whisper.

The rest of the seven, Coach Hedge, and Nico, excluding Hazel, locked themselves in the kitchen and were talking in hushed tones just so that Hazel couldn't hear them having this conversation. Everybody was now ogling the son of Hades, their face went from confused to pissed to frustrated to gobsmacked.

"Slowly, Nico. Breath." Piper said, her charmspeak evident in her voice.

Nico hesitated and looked at Leo, who glared at him enough to make Celestial Bronze melt. Leo gripped his arm in an iron grip, whispering to Nico occasionally. All that Jason could make out from their inaudible conversation was;

"Told...not to tell...no one." Leo said to the Death boy.

"Not...secrets...from them."

"...unloyal...to Hazel..."

"Doing...right thing..."

Leo sent him a death glare. Which caused Nico to send him a much more evil death glare. Which caused Leo to squeak in fear. Which cause Nico to smirk at him. Which caused Leo to burn up in flames.  

"Um, hello Repair Boy and Death Boy, we're standing right here?" Jason said, his brows furrowed with curiosity and impatience. "Could you just please tell us, what is going on? Every single detail, please?"

The two demigods turned around to face them. Nico and Leo looked at each other hesitantly, whilst Leo nodded at him, telling Nico to tell everything.

Nico sighed. "Okay, we'll tell you everything. But please, don't tell Hazel. Act as if nothing happened, okay? We'll be the ones to take care of her." Everyone nodded.

Death Boy took a deep breath again. Before he started saying anything else, Frank cut him off.

"What happened to Hazel?" Nico glared at him.

Heroes Of Olympus: House Of Hades (By Rick Riordan) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now