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Chapter Six: Jason

"We've got another problem." Nico had said.

"What problem?" Connor asked.

"Romans." Nico replied like it explained everything.

"Yes, what about the Romans?" Thalia demanded, her electric blue eyes staring at him.

When Nico didn't give an answer, She turned her eyes to her brother, blue meeting blue.

Thalia gripped her bow and arrow ready, giving her brother a death glare.

"Say it, Jason." Thalia insisted once more.

He took a deep breath."They're gonna attack. There. At the camp. "Jason said with a big lump in his throat. It was like there was a big ball of cat hair in his throat which he was trying hard to swallow.

"When?" Travis asked.

"Now." He said.

Silence filled the air.

"Why tell us now, Superman?" Clarisse growled at him. She ran, along with Chris, outside and headed to the Ares cabin to get the armors and to warn the other campers.

The Greeks stared at Jason like they were expecting Zeus/Jupiter to blast lightning right at his face and knock him out.

"Well?" Nico said.

"Well?" Thalia mocked him.

"Leo!" Jason shouted loud enough for his friends to press their hands on their ears.

"Jeez, Superman. I'm here." Leo said, clearly annoyed, stepping up from behind.

Jason thought that this move might lose some time, considering the fact that Greece was just a few hours away. Annabeth and Percy needs them.

'Just hold on, Percy. Wait a few more days.' Jason thought.

Besides, his friends need their help right now. Being the optimistic man he was, he figured his friends would not hold out any longer considering the fact that the Romans were four times the number of their campers.

He took a deep breath and decided it would be wise to pay Camp Half-Blood a visit.

"Sail for Camp Half-Blood. Set it to auto-pilot and let Festus do his job." Jason paused for a moment. "How long before we can get it to camp?" Jason asked.

"That's about two days, Jason." He sighed. "Without disturbance, you know, the monster fighting and stuff."

"Can we get any faster?"

Leo shook his head. "We really can't go any faster since we're pretty overloaded, which was the Athena Parthenos' fault, and we're still pretty far from America, remember? We're still in Rome."

Jason paused for a moment, worried that they might not get there on time. "Okay, update me about our location from time to time. If ever we can get any faster, please, do it. And while you're on it, You and Frank will work on those scrolls. And Nico--"


"Help them. Go, now." And the three guys ran on the cockpit.

He turned to the centaur. "Chiron, alert the campers. Make sure they have their full armors on. Tell the nymphs to prepare enough ambrosia and nectar. Tell the satyrs to ready their pipes and whatsoever, because that helps. Protect the camp borders and stuff. Thalia--?"


"You lead the campers. Form rows and ranks and stuff. Divide the Ares kids and make sure that every group will have at least one of them. They're good with tactics. You and the hunters will work on traps."

"Okay." She motioned her fellow hunters outside and shouted commands.

"Nyssa--?" Jason searched for her.


"Build borders and stuff whatsoever that you think important for defense along with your siblings. Help the hunters and tell them where to put those traps. Make sure it won't be that lethal, but it can really injure the Romans. I still don't want them getting hurt." Jason had a look of concern on his face. "And be careful with Greek fire. Go."



"Here." They both raised their hands.

"Since you're good with pranks and stealing is your specialty, do your job. Lead your siblings and whatever. And Drew--?"

"Charmspeak. Flirt with the Romans. Whatever. Force them to surrender and stop the fight. I know." Drew said before Jason tells her what to do.

"Okaay." Jason said with a sheepish look on his face. "Malcolm?"


"Strategies. You're good with that. Lead the Athena children."

"Yes, sir."

Just then, the IM turned blurry and dark. Everything went black.

Before the connection had cut-off, he heard the unsheathing of swords, his Greek friends shouting, "They're here!"

And that scrawny, psychotic Roman descendant of Apollo, Octavian, screaming bloody murder.


Author's Note:

So hey, guys! So I recently edited the first few chapters and lemme just say:


I'm frustrated by myself about how I wrote this chapters. I mean, the grammatical errors, the punctuation marks...I mean, ugghhh, I have never felt so embarassed in my whole entire life.

Hahaha! Anyways, thank you for all the support!


Stick to the Normal and Stay Weird! X

Heroes Of Olympus: House Of Hades (By Rick Riordan) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now