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Chapter Five: Percy

Pain; nothing but pain. It was all he felt, physically and mentally.

Everything was a blur. It was like his head weighed several tons heavier than his body. Everything was a mixture of gray, white and black. Darkness was all he could see. His whole body was numb. His eyes were puffy.

It was like a thousand pins and needles and swords were stabbing him all around his body, especially his back. He couldn't even move. He just stayed still, looking above the darkness, trying to let the pain wash away. The air was sucked out of his lungs like a black hole, and he gasped for oxygen. His hands turned into a fist as he shut his eyes closed, praying that the pain would wash away.

"Percy!" He heard Annabeth struggling over to him.

"I'm fine." His voice croaked. He winced in pain. His breath was heavy and short. He moaned loud enough for Annabeth to hear.

"No, you're not." She muttered under her breath, scared out of her minds.

"I am." Percy convinced her.

"Can you stand up?"

Annabeth put his arm around him for support, the other hand holding his. Then she slowly pulled him up.

"Arrrggh!" Percy cried out in pain. He fell flat on his back.

"Shhh. Shhh." Her voice soothed him. Annabeth tried all her will not to cry; at least, not in front of him. She is way to smart and mature to waste her tears.

She turned him over so that he was resting on his sides, his back turned against her, her gray eyes adjusting in the darkness.

"Oh my gods...Percy! What have you done?" She gasped.

"Wh-what?" He managed to say.

"Your back. . ." This time, she could feel rivulets of tears gushing down her cheeks.

" supported me when we fell. You fell down flat on your back, Percy. Do you know what could've happened, huh? You might have broke your spine! Paralyzed forever!"

"What's important is you're alive, Wise Girl."

"And what? You, half-dead and half-alive?" She growled at him.

His back was bleeding. Bruises, cuts and wounds. Anything horrible that you can think of after falling several miles to darkness. He had lost a lot of blood. And she knew that it was a matter of minutes before he--what? Faint? Die?

She rummaged through her backpack and took out ambrosia and nectar and handed it to him. He ate and drank slowly, unaware of Annabeth's crying.

"Don't move; not a single muscle. Just stay like that until the pain subsides, and then I'll treat your back; and whatever you do, don't close your eyes."

She kept talking to him, trying to make him stay alive.

After a few minutes, Percy felt the pain subside. His back felt better than before, but it still hurts enough for him to wince from time to time. Annabeth had wrapped a cloth around his back, though he wasn't sure where it came from. It was tight enough to make the bleeding stop.

He saw her take a handful of ambrosia and eat it. Her eyes were as stormy and shattered as ever. They rested there for a few minutes, staring above at the void of darkness.

"What do we do now?" He asked his girlfriend.

"Rest for a while, and then look for anything chance of survival." Annabeth said matter-of-factly.

Awkward silence.

"Don't ever do that again." She scolded him in a sober and motherly toe.

"What?" Percy asked in confusion.

"Risking your life for me. Just...don't."

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid might have to disagree on that."


Percy hesitated for a few seconds, chewing down on his ambrosia. He then took a deep breath and sighed, "Because I love you."

"Why?" Annabeth said with a huge smirk on her face.

He rolled his eyes."Because you're Annabeth."

They both smiled at each other and then hugged. He doesn't care if he's in Tartarus. As long as Annabeth's by his side, he knows it's gonna be okay.

He doesn't care if he dies, as long as those stormy gray eyes and those blond hair were the last things he saw before he close his eyes.

Annabeth. Just Annabeth.

Just when Percy thinks everything will be alright, An angry pair of red eyes came out from the darkness.


Author's Note:

Oh, how I love cliffhangers.

Yay! I published the first cycle of the POVs! Oh yeah!

Okay, before I move along, let me just tell you that I might sneak in some other POVs if I feel the need to, or if I want to. For example, I might sneak in a chapter or two from Piper,

Or Frank. Or Annabeth. Or my treacherous darling, Leo Valdez. (how I love him so much.)

Just to let ya'll know.


Stick to the Normal and Stay Weird! X

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