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Chapter Three: Nico

"What did you do to my sister?" Nico asked when the two girls went out of Piper's room.

Hazel was wearing a mint-colored flannel, light gray faded jeans and black combat boots. Her long curly hair was braided to one side and a few hair curled at both sides, sort of like a Katniss Everdeen braid. Her face had a pink glow on it, though she wore no make-up. The beauty that was hidden inside of her all along finally showed, and everything about her seemed ethereal and unreal.

"What, you don't like it?" Piper asked.

"No, it's...i-it's just th-that. . ." Nico stuttered as Hazel walked up to him.

He didn't know what to say. His sister's sudden transformation into an Aphrodite girl was so surprising that he became distant to her, as if she were a stranger.

Frank and Leo were frozen on the spot, not one acknowledged Hazel or commented her about her abrupt change (which seemed to upset her). The two of them just smiled at her. Frank's cheeks were blatantly red whilst Leo just gave Hazel a small smile like he doesn't really care, but Nico saw something in his eyes that suggested something differently.

After a few seconds of eerie silence, Jason broke the ice.

"So! Why don't we send some Iris-Message to Camp Half- Blood and ask what's going on, shall we?" He interrupted, clearing his throat. He must've felt awkward with the situation.

Nobody answered for a few seconds, until Nico, tearing his eyes away from his sister, talked. "Okay! Who has a drachma?"

"I do." Coach Hedge piped up. Apparently, he just came out from his room, doing things to get preoccupied ever since Percy and Annabeth fell into Tartarus. Nico was quite surprised at how enthusiastic the satyr looked, but he felt for him; they all do.

"Okay, thanks." He got the drachma from the faun."Um, spray paint?" Nico asked once again.

"What in the world would you do--" Frank said, totally confused.

"I have!" Leo said a little too happily as he pulled out a medium-sized spray paint fro his magic tool belt.

"Thanks. Okay,um, guys, you better back off." He waved his arms around him, like there was an imaginary border between them.

Everybody did what they were told.

When Nico was satisfied that nobody won't get spray paint on their eyes, He opened the paint and sprayed it on the air. He threw the drachma in and said:

"O, Iris, accept my offering, Show me Chiron at Camp Half- Blood."

The mist shimmered into different colors in a soft, whimsical glow.

It showed Chiron, in human form, having a conversation with several demigods in the Big House. The Stolls were there, Clarisse with Chris Rodriguez, Nyssa and her half-siblings, Malcolm and the other Athena children, a few nymphs, a few Apollo and Ares kids, and surprisingly, The Hunters of Artemis.

"Chiron!" Nico called up.

The centaur in human form searched for the voice, until Malcolm saw Nico and the others behind him.

"Chiron, behind you." He said, pointing at the mist.

Chiron turned around his wheelchair and saw the weak looking kids before him.

"Nico di Angelo, what a surprise! So glad, you're alive." He gave him a wan smile.

"Appreciate that, Chiron." Nico said non-chalantly. "So how are things going at camp?"

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