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 Chapter Seven: Frank

It wasn't long after the connection had cut, twenty, big Roman eagles attacked the ship.

"Hit the deck!" Frank said. No one seemed to disagree.

The eagles kept swooping past them, attacking the demigods with their talons. Jason kept blasting bolts of lightning at them but the eagles seemed to dodge them with impeccable speed.

"Oww!" Hazel winced as one eagle pulled her tangled hair with its claws. Then she stabbed it with her spatha. "I'm Roman, too!" She growled at the dead creature.

"Hey!" Leo yelled at them. "No one messes with Flaming Valdez!" He shot a ball of fire at one eagle, setting it in flames.

"Come on! Could you give us a break?" Jason kept on complaining, blasting them with lightning. His face beaded with sweat, and Frank could see him getting exhausted by using his powers too much that it drain him out like a low battery.

Frank closed his eyes. He felt his whole body becoming lighter, his arms turning into wings and his skin turning into feathers.

An eagle. An awesome eagle.

He saw Piper flailing around on the floor, being strangled by two eagles. He flew forward and stabbed its eyes with his talons. The two disintegrated immediately before Coach Hedge might even say "DIE!"

"Thanks, Friendly Eagle." Piper muttered, then she slashed Katoptris at one eagle above her.

Frank landed in front of Nico, who was stabbing three eagles that swoop past him with his sword. "Die already!" Nico bellowed at the three eagles.

Frank turned around and saw his bow and arrow lying across the ship, waiting for him.

He ran across Jason, then at Coach Hedge, who kept screeching "Die!", and snatched his weapon.

He saw Leo being snatched by the two remaining eagles, one clutching his shirt and the other on his arm. He knew what was happening, Octavian sent the eagles to get Leo, because of the firing at the camp. That stupid augur really is seeking for revenge.

"Help! Help!" Leo screamed as the eagles lifted him up from his ship.

"Leo!" Jason ran after him and grabbed his ankle. Apparently the eagles were really strong because he, too, was being lifted by the two creatures.

"Jason!" Piper yelled, not remembering her boyfriend can fly.

"Leo!" Hazel screamed after him.

"Hazel!" Nico shouted.

The child of Love ran and grabbed Jason's right ankle and Hazel grabbed the other, desperate to pull them down.

"Guys! You're stretching me like an elastic band!" Leo shouted below them.

"Just hold on!" Hazel yelled in response. She turned to Frank who was standing there, frozen. "Do something!"

Frank knocked out of his trance and started shooting at the two targets.

"Hey! Look over here, you big, fat, ugly birds!"

The eagles seemed insulted by his insults and turned their eyes at him.

The two creatures dropped the five demigods, groaning and cursing in Latin and Greek. The birds both charged at him.

Frank aimed his arrow at the target and shot one creature several inches before its claws scratched his face. He quickly got one arrow behind his back and aimed it at the other one screeching after him.

He shot it and disintegrated in a pile of dust.

He smirked. "You, stupid, ugly--"

"Frank. Stop." Hazel interrupted his cursing.

She turned to Leo and grabbed his hand, pulling him up. "Are you okay?" She said, eyes wide with concern.

"Never better." He said, grinning like a madman who just won the lottery. "Thanks, by the way." He added.

"You should also thank Frank. After all, he was the one who killed the eagles." Hazel turned over to him and smiled.

Frank, who was currently glaring at Leo, composed himself and plastered a smile to him.

Leo reached over to him and stretched out his hand and said, "Thanks, big guy."

Frank shook his hand tightly that Leo winced in pain.

"No problem." He smirked.

"Yeah... Thanks for hurting my hand." Leo said sarcastically, while massaging his palm.

Suddenly, a cold, icy breeze blew ever so strongly against the ship. Everybody wrapped their arms around their body to prevent them from shivering and to keep them warm.

"I can give you warmth, you know." Leo said to no one in particular, rolling his eyes sarcastically.

Then a few minutes after, the wind died.

"Is anybody hurt?" Piper asked.

Everybody shook their heads. They all seemed bewildered at what had happened a while back. The war really is starting, and the Romans want ever so badly to put them in execution.

"Well, that was a nice workout." Nico mocked.

"Sure thing, Death Boy." Jason said in agreement.

Everybody looked around the ship. Roofs were ruined, doors, windows. Piles of dust scattered on the floor. Stray feathers flew in the air.

Frank couldn't believe it. How in Mars Almighty are they gonna get to Camp Half- Blood? Shadow travel? Ride Arion? Turn into a dragon?

Seconds after, they heard a voice boom from the intercom:


"MY SHIP!" Leo screamed.

The Greek trireme began falling from the sky.

"We're landing!" Frank shouted.

"We know already, Mr. State-The-Obvious!" Leo mocked him. He ran to the engine room.

"Attention, demigods. Please brace yourselves and hang on tight on the railing. We are descending. I repeat, we are descending." Leo's voice boomed from the intercom.

Coach Hedge rolled his eyes and gave Frank a look like: 'Show-off.'

The ship was falling fast. Hazel clutched Frank's arm tightly, her face looking a little green. They were falling fast to the ground.

The sensation was like riding a roller coaster at 1000 kph. It felt like his brain will fall from inside his head any second now.

The landing was bumpy and terrible. They landed through a group of trees, with birds flying away from the ship. And finally, they landed in a secluded area in the woods.

"Where are we?" Jason yelled so that Leo can hear it from the engine room.

It tool a while before Leo replied. "Somewhere in Portugal!"

"Portugal?!" Jason screeched.

"No, Spain! Yes, I'm talking about Portugal!" Leo mocked.

"What happened?" Frank asked.

Everything was a mess. It was like a cyclone just passed the ship.

Leo walked out from the engine room with messy hair; his face glum.

"Khione happened." He said with no emotion.


Author's Note:

I edited this chapter, but there was not much difference. Hahaha, looking back, my writing was kinda embarassing? Hahaha! But yeah, I learned from it!


Stick to the Normal and Stay Weird! X

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