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Chapter Eight: Hazel

Hazel just sat there under a tree, looking at the ruined trireme.

Everything was a blur. It all happened so fast. One second you're up in the sky sailing to Camp Half- Blood, and then BOOM! You're on Gaea's territory. Leo said the ship couldn't handle the strong, cold wind, so that's why the engine stopped and the ship lost control.

But why is the engine coated in a thick pile of snow?

Jason, Piper and Frank (who turned into a Komodo dragon) went fetching the materials needed to fix the ship. They were also gonna buy food because they were running low on supplies.

Leo and her brother preceded on working on the scrolls in the engine room.

And what about her?

She wasn't doing anything, as usual; just sitting under a tree near the ship, that's all.

She felt ashamed. Her fellow Roman friends were attacking Camp Half-Blood. Reyna, Dakota, Don, Vitellius, probably even the kind veterans of the legion. She can't believe that she is of the same blood as them. Even the dignified-looking Roman eagles she always adored attacked them.

She can't even look straight at Her new friends in the eyes. Their hatred for the Roman camp was burgeoning fast.

She looked around. It was an odd forest. The leaves from the trees were falling fast though she was pretty sure it wasn't fall season.

She saw piles of gems and jewels around her, the way it always were. She was so frustrated by this. Even Sammy died thinking it was his fault selling the diamond. And even Frank's wood was heavy in her pocket. How could he even expect to give her that kind of burden?

The wind became colder, almost as if it was gonna snow, she, in fact, was sure it was somehow connecting to the falling of the leaves.

"Hazel!" Leo yelled from the ship.

"Yeah?" She shouted back.

"Get in here. Help us with the scrolls!" Leo yelled in response. 

"Aren't there two of you there? You already have Nico with you!"

Its not like she didn't want to help, she just wanted to have some 'alone time' and sort things out; reflect on the things that has happened a few weeks ago. 

No answer.

And finally, she saw Leo walking towards her.

"Nico said that we should get you since you aren't doing anything." Leo said as he walked towards her, his greasy hair blown by the winds, the sunlight making his face golden as if he were a god. His long, calloused hands ran through his hair, making his hair more greasy. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up until his elbows, showing his tan skin.

Hazel thought he looked handsome.

"For the love of Venus..." She stammered.

"Uh, what?" Leo said curiously. "Come on. We need to get working on those scrolls. Time isn't on our side."

Hazel didn't even move a muscle.

"What are you staring at? Is it because I'm much more handsome than Frank?" He joked.

"What, no!" She said, knocking out of her trance. The denial in her voice might have been obvious.

Leo just smiled and sat down beside her. 

They just sat there for a moment, staring above the sky, at that moment Hazel wouldn't have miss it for the world. She liked this kind of feeling; Leo sitting next to her, him smelling like grease and burning coal, and the view of the leaves falling from the autumn trees.

She took a deep breath, her heart beating in a sporadic manner. "I'm sorry." She mumbled.

"For what?" Those dazzling brown eyes looking at her.

"Because of what the Romans did to you, to your camp. Even those eagles I always ride with attacked you. They really want revenge, huh?"

"It's okay. After all, not all Romans are bad." Leo said, grinning at her.

Hazel felt her cheeks flush. She probably looked like a tomato. She glanced at the opposite direction trying to control her emotions.

"You know, sometimes I wish that we arrived at the Roman camp a day earlier." He finally blurted out, his fingers sparkling with flames.

Hazel was taken aback. It was true though. From time to time it would cross her mind.

'What if they did come a little earlier?' Hazel thought. Surely, time can make a big difference.

"Why?" She asked, not knowing where this conversation was going.

"Because...,." He answered, not meeting her eyes.

"Because what?" She demanded, a thousand thoughts running in her mind regarding the things that he would possibly say.

Leo shrugged. "Nah, don't mind it. It's not that important anyways." He said non-chalantly.

Part of her was slightly upset and sad that he didn't continue what he was about to say; but part of her was also relieve that he didn't continue it since the suspense might have killed her because of so much heartbeat in a minute that she was worried that too much blood will get pumped throughout her body.

"Well, well, what a surprise." A cold, icy, voice said.


Author's Note:

This chapter is boring. I'm not good with Lazel moments, hahaha. :DDDDD

Okay, so next chapter is Repair Boy! Thanks for the love and support that you have given to me! 


Stick to the Normal and Stay Weird! X

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