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Chapter ELEVEN: Reyna

*7 hours before attack

"ROMANS, FORM RANKS! Those on probatio, position on the front line!" Reyna shouted.

They were still at the Field of Mars, each cohort in groups of forty. All were armed with quilted, trouser- like leg wrappings, a belt, a pair of long shin guards, breastplate, an arm guard on the sword arm, and a brimmed helmet adorned with plumes of feathers. They were all equipped with a gladius, or whatever their preferred weapon are, a small, round shield and a spear, which they still have to cast before closing in for hand-to-hand combat.

What they wore was different from the previous battle armors they've worn, since that it was Octavian who said that wearing this pieces of armor would bring them victory over the Greeks.

They were a special kind of armed fighters, or The Hoplomachus. It has been decades since they've worn this battle armors which gave newly found strength and determination.

"Equites, form groups on the rear! Attack when enemy is retreating!" It was an old Roman strategy to send off The Equites, or the cavalrymen/ horsemen to attack when their enemy is retreating, which would cause to be the final straw for the Greeks.

Reyna kept pacing back and forth, her purple cloak flying in the winds. "First and Second Cohort, you're the first ones to attack. Third Cohort and the first group of veterans, you wait for the battle to die down and then attack, that'll wear them out."

She turned to the other cohorts. "Fourth and Fifth, along with the other half of the veterans, you take the other way. When already at 60 meter radius, lessen the altitude of the chariot, and make sure to stay hidden. Emerge from the woods give the Greeks a surprise attack." She simpered.

The Fifth Cohort snickered, they were most likely to not die in this battle, and the point of a "Surprise Attack" will be very interesting.

"Veterans, remember your groups. The first group would be with me, and the other would be with the Fourth and Fifth. Fauns and Lares, you treat the injured and the wounded, make sure you are in a secure place before you give medicine, behind the trees would be good, or an abandoned chariot will also do."

Reyna stole a glance at Octavian, who was standing a few feet beside her. She was glad she had finally get the psycho to shut up.

He kept shooting glares at the Romans and muttering things under his breath. Reyna was glad she was the one in control this time, not him.

"Where's Hannibal?" She asked.

Gwen raised her hand. "He's somewhere in the city, praetor. I already sent someone to fetch him."

Reyna nodded. She scrutinized the Romans carefully if they have complete armors or missing legionnaires.

"Why are there only nineteen horsemen?" She asked to no one in particular, her brows furrowed.

The campers glanced at the horsemen, counting them mentally.

Suddenly, Dakota raised his hand. 

"Praetor, Hazel Levesque left with the Greeks, remember?"

Reyna mentally facepalmed herself. How could she have forgotten?

"Alright. Thank you, Dakota."

Suddenly, Hannibal the Elephant appeared, a several feet away, a camper guiding him to form his line. The elephant had matching Hoplomachus' armor.

"Alright. We are all complete. Ready the flying chariots. Remember, each cohort has eight chariots, so that means five for every ride. Third, Fourth and Fifth, Good luck, Romans. Twelfth Legion Fulminates!"

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