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[ATTENTION: Hey thurr, awesome peeps! So this is gonna be the last chapter to my HoH fanfic. I decided to skip Reyna's POV since I figured if I would still include it, I wouldn't meet the deadline, which is on October 8. After this chapter, there will still be a short epilogue. So stay tuned!


-Stick to the Normal and Stay Weird!]

Last Chapter Recap:

"Why did they leave?" Jason asked.

"Something must have distracted them," Frank suggested.

"Like what?" Nico asked.

"Percy!" Annabeth's scream pierced through Nico's ears. Howls and growls followed after the voice, and suddenly, Nico knew what distracted the hellhounds.

"Annabeth! Percy!" Jason shouted to them.

And they sprinted to them for dear life, hoping, wishing, that they would get there on time.


Chapter Twenty-Six: Percy

[5 hours before freedom]

Percy hesitated. "I suggest, that Gaea is behind all of this."

"How can you be so sure?"

Percy looked up at the statue, his eyes dilating. "Wait, the statue's eyes were white before, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

He sighed, "Then tell me, why is it glowing red?"

Their heads snapped up as the Athena Parthenos started speaking in a faint, wispy voice. The mouth was opened, letting out ethereal smoke as the feet of the statue was suddenly enveloped with fog and red lightning.

"My daughter, Annabeth," A woman's voice said.

"Mother?" Annabeth croaked out. "Is it really you?"

Percy watched her talk to Athena, or if it really was Athena. He was suddenly filled with rage and the need for vengeance since the goddess of wisdom disowned Annabeth after telling her to go follow the Mark; but Percy tried to swallow it. He trusted Annabeth enough to sense if anything was wrong or suspicious.

Suddenly, Annabeth's awed expression changed into a furious one, as if realizing that Athena had, in fact, declared that she was no longer her daughter.

"What are you doing here? I thought you disowned me."

"Oh, daughter," Athena's voice was filled with distraught and longing, as if she suddenly missed Annabeth. "I apologize for what I did, or in fact, what Minerva did. I was in a bad state of schizophrenia. I couldn't control myself; or myselves rather."

"I thought the gods can't go here in Tartarus, because they're all locked up in Olympus, and because your powers here are at its weakest." Percy pointed out.

"Oh, son of Poseidon. My very source of power is the statue itself! I willed it to follow the coin, so that I will be able to talk to the both of you. And to excuse myself for my unforgiving actions, especially to Annabeth." She explained with a distressed tone.

"I'm currently hiding from Zeus. He forbade us to not talk with any of our mortal children. Once he finds out I disobeyed him, all Hades will break loose."

Annabeth just stared furiously at the statue, as if she wanted it all to break. Her expression gave away everything she felt; rage, hate, pain, but it also held an expression that might have been longing, sadness and chagrin; but Percy knew her well. Annabeth spent the rest of her life trying to impress her mother, give her the satisfaction that she is the perfect child of Wisdom. Percy knows, deep inside, that all his girlfriend could ever ask for was to be able to have the strength and lowly pride to accept her mother's apology.

Heroes Of Olympus: House Of Hades (By Rick Riordan) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now