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Chapter Nine: Leo

"Well, well, what a surprise." An unfamiliarly familiar, icy voice tantalized the two demigods.

Leo stiffened, his fingers producing small flames. His whole body started smoldering.

Hazel gave him a look like, A completely scary, icy voice can burn you to flames? and she gripped her sword tightly, knowing that this would end all messed up.

Leo replied with a look like, We have a long, unpleasant history.

The daughter of Pluto gave him a look.

He sighed. Don't ask.

The air suddenly turned cold and icy. Cold breeze surrounding the two demigods. Leo felt weak and pale. The cold suffocated him, making him unable to produce fire. The smolder his body produced has suddenly been extinguished by it.

This worried him a lot. How can he protect Hazel if he can't even protect himself?

They both stood up, turned around and saw the lady he wished he would've burnt to flames months ago.

The lady was obviously beautiful. Her face was pale and her lips were very white and dry. Her hair was the color of ivory. Her skin was as pale as her face and as white as snow. She wore a silk V- neck tiered dress that dropped down up until her ankles and a thick, furry coat was topped above it. Her long, nimble fingers gripped firmly on a sword. It shimmered in the dusk. Crystal ice were embossed on the weapon, providing a shiny look to it. It looked deadly and sharp enough to kill a single person with one slight poke, maybe even turn into an ice sculpture.

"Khione." Leo grimaced. He looked like he would throw up by just saying her name.

The goddess smirked. She scrutinized him carefully as if he was a lost puppy. "I'm so glad you remember me." She spoke with false compassion and flatter.

He snorted. "Don't kid yourself. What are you doing here?" Leo shot at her.

"Well, to apologize, course." Khione said matter-of-factly, she waved her hands in the air from frustration.

"For what?" Hazel snapped.

"For destroying the ship." The woman said simply. "You see, I was ordered to delay your flight to the Greek camp. And of course, I did not want to disobey her. But it would be really--entertaining to watch you demigods fight to your deaths."

"We've been told." The child of Hephaestus mumbled. It was really uncomfortable thinking that the gods watched their children fighting to their deaths in Demigod Channel. That would've been really embarrassing and infuriating, honestly speaking.

Heroes Of Olympus: House Of Hades (By Rick Riordan) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now