Chapter 1

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The bell rang for lunch making [Y/N] smile, she placed all her stuff in her bag before heading to the cafeteria to meet up with her childhood friend and her classmates. She had a wide smile on her face as she walked towards the cafeteria with all of the other students, the massive crowd pushed her towards the cafeteria and then into the line for food.

"That test in English we had was so hard," a voice behind her spoke, the other people with the voice made a humming noise to agree with the first voice. [Y/N] was stood in front of the group waiting for her turn to get her food and then find her table.

"Yeah but maybe if you actually studied then it wouldn't be so hard," Another voice scolded the boy, this voice was softer and feminine. It was a pleasant voice, and [Y/N] couldn't help but agree with the girl, studying does help for tests.

"Yeah but I forgot we had a test." The first voice sulked as [Y/N] finally made it to the front of the line; she took a tray and began selecting what she wanted. She was excited for Lunch Rush's food as always. It was always so delicious and made with love, even if he made it for all of the students in UA.

"May I have the soba please?" [Y/N] requested to the chef who nodded excitedly and served it to the young girl. "Thank you." She thanked the man before stepping away from the line and looking around for her childhood friend. Her ears caught Tetsutetsu's loud voice before she saw him and began making her way towards the voice.

She turned a corner and saw the three of them: Tetsutetsu, Monoma and Kendo. Her smile widened as she slipped into the table next to Kendo, opposite Monoma.

"[Y/N]!" Kendo smiled at her presence and side hugged the girl, "How are you?" Kendo asked the girl. Her orange hair around her head beautiful and her green eyes stared lovingly into [Y/N]'s own [eye colour] ones.

"I'm good Itsuka how are your hero classes going?" [Y/N] spoke happily, then she scooped some of her soba into her mouth. Her eyes caught sight of Monoma and Tetsutetsu speaking between them.

"They're good! I get to use my quirk and we voted for our class president today." Kendo explained making the boys look at the girls. [Y/N] ate more of her soba as she nodded towards Kendo to continue. "And that's me!" Kendo was proud of being the class president and [Y/N] was happy for her.

"Yeah I wanted to be class president, but Kendo got more votes than me." Monoma sulked crossing his arms, Tetsutetsu laughed and patted the boy on the back making Monoma jump forward into the table. "OW! Tetsu that hurt." Monoma pouted at the other boy who only sheepishly smiled and shrugged.

"You only got one vote and that was yourself, Kendo had five votes." Tetsutetsu exposed the boy who turned slightly pink at his words. "And that didn't hurt your being dramatic!" The boy laughed, throwing his head back.

"Yes it did you idiot!" Monoma growled out, the two continued to bicker. Kendo looked at them with a deadpan face while [Y/N] giggled at their antics. She was kind of envious of Kendo, being in the same class as these two and their antics sure must be fun. "Stop laughing at my misery!" Monoma spun around to [Y/N], pointing his finger at the girl in question. She laughed even harder at his indignation.

"Don't you point at [Y/N]!" Kendo jumped into to defend [Y/N]'s honour. [Y/N] smiled at her friend for defending her. She was so grateful for friends like these. "Sorry about these bozos [Y/N], they're idiots." Kendo apologised to her friend.

"[L/N] what's your quirk? You never talk about it." Tetsutetsu asked grabbing Monoma's attention, who had been sulking in his seat. [Y/N] smiled at the boy, "Well I guess we never told you ours either, I can make my whole-body steel isn't that cool?" Tetsutetsu explained, his eyes wide with excitement.

"Mine is much cooler," Monoma jumped in, a smirk on his face. "I can use anyone's quirk just by touching them." Monoma cackled, a little psychotically if [Y/N] was asked. Their quirks were very cool, much cooler than hers that's for sure.

"Mine isn't as cool as your guys, I'm not in the hero course." [Y/N] smiled, she didn't want to be a hero to be honest, she never wanted to even before she got her quirk. She wanted to be like her mother and help people, but not in the hero way, she wanted to be a therapist or psychologist. Her mother was a biochemist, usually on long business trips, leaving [Y/N] to care for herself but had the neighbours check up on her every now and then. "My quirk allows me to calm people down when I touch them." [Y/N] finally answered.

"Wait so you could calm anyone with just a touch?" Tetsutetsu asked, he was in awe. That was such a cool quirk, maybe not such a heroic one but one that he thought was cool either way. Monoma looked at the girl and felt his cheeks warm slightly at her wide smile.

"Yeah I can it's pretty cool and can come in handy sometimes," [Y/N] rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly, her mind thinking back to her loud neighbours and her mother feeling down due to the deadlines she had. The conversation flowed easily between the four of them, as if they were friends for years.

"How did you find that test Iida?" A soft-spoken boy asked another boy as they walked past, [Y/N] stared at the group as soon as she heard the familiar name. Her eyes trained in on the tall male with dark blue hair and glasses, his stiff figure walking alongside his two friends who never even entered her sight. The world was a pink tint as she stared at the boy.

Iida Tenya, her crush.

The group of three walked completely past and out of her view, she turned back to the group seeing them all staring at her with knowing eyes. Kendo was the first to move, she pulled the girl into another side hug and began squealing slightly.

"You have a crush on Iida Tenya?" Monoma hissed out as he leaned partially over the table. [Y/N]'s face erupted into a dark blush at his question and the answer was confirmed. "Why do you have a crush on that 1-A dork? You could do so much better." Monoma grumbled.

"Leave her alone Monoma, she has a crush that's good!" Kendo, once again, defending [Y/N] but her mind was working over their time together in middle school. [Y/N] was one of those girls where she would always have a crush on someone, get her heart broken and then restart the process. Once someone would break her heart she would cry for a day and then someone else would come along and she'd fall for them instead.

"Yeah leave the girl alone, so what she has a crush on Iida I think they're cute." Tetsutetsu jumped into to defend [Y/N] as well. He loves love, he thinks [Y/N] is super adorable and Iida is cool from what he's heard. He thinks they'll be good together.

Someone heavily disagreed with Tetsutetsu, he knows that [Y/N] belongs with him but as long as no one tries to claim her he doesn't have to make a move. He'll watch and listen from a distance.

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