Chapter 4

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[Y/N] grabbed her keys and went to the door, she was just about to head out when a knock sounded at her door. She knew exactly who it was and smiled thinking about it. Maybe she'll leave him out there for a moment.

A louder knock sounded on the door, "[Nickname] open the fucking door!" Bakugo's angry voice called through the door. [Y/N] giggled at his voice before she unlocked the door and opened it up. Stood outside was Bakugo looking angry at her. "About time idiot." Bakugo grumbled.

"You weren't even waiting that long you grump." [Y/N] grumbled, and she turned to lock the door behind her. [Y/N] felt a kick to the back of her knee making her fall into the door, "Oi that hurt you idiot." [Y/N] turned and kicked him back, her shoe catching his knee.

"Ow you bitch that hurt!" Bakugo shouted at the woman who simply smiled at his face. "Now come on let's get to school," Bakugo grumbled gesturing with his head to leave for UA. [Y/N] nodded his head before she began skipping down to the gate at her garden, Bakugo following behind her.

"Hurry up you porcupine." [Y/N] shouted back at the blonde who frowned even deeper at the nickname, but he did catch up to her eventually. "What's up with you today? Your much grumpier than usual." [Y/N] spoke, her voice dropping into a concerned tone.

Bakugo looked shocked at her, she caught onto him and knew exactly that something was wrong with him. He furrowed his eyebrows and seemed surprised, but he was kind of happy that she knew him so well. No one else knew him like she did, not even Deku, and he was glad it was her and not someone else.

"Just my old hag getting on my nerves is all." Bakugo grumbled out, the two slowed down a little as they approached their regular coffee shop. [Y/N] looked at him from the corner of her eye, she knew he was being purposefully vague.

"Come on don't lie to me you asshole." [Y/N] spoke as she went towards the door of their coffee shop, the boy followed her through and grumbled out intelligible words. [Y/N] smiled towards the barista, "Hi can I get a medium black americano and a [favourite hot drink] please?" She requested from the barista who nodded, and [Y/N] paid for it.

"I'll pay for it tomorrow." Bakugo spoke to the girl; she nodded her head. "I'm not lying to you my old hag got annoyed at me this morning for something stupid and it pissed me off is all." Bakugo opened up as they waited for their drinks.

"Okay did you want my quirk or you going to carry it with you today?" [Y/N] asked, Bakugo paused for a moment as he thought about it and grabbed both of their drinks. He passed hers to [Y/N], "Thanks Kats," she smiled at him.

"I think I'll keep it today, may need it for training or something." Bakugo grumbled back at the girl who smiled and nodded. Bakugo was feeling much better now anyway as she was clearly concerned about him. The pair headed out of the coffee shop and continued making their way to UA, sipping their drinks. "So, Iida is your type huh?" Bakugo asked making [Y/N] turn bright red.

"What!" [Y/N] blushed bright red and turned to the boy. Bakugo smirked knowing that he was definitely right. "Well, I mean Iida is cute and my type, which is the strong and dashing type." [Y/N] began spewing words as Bakugo watched her in amusement. He loved teasing her.

"Yeah, yeah I get it." Bakugo spoke not wanting to hear too much about the glasses wearing boy. He liked to hear her talk but about his stern classmate is a little annoying. "We're nearly there idiot," Bakugo spoke noting the school gates up ahead.

"I wonder what you'll get up to at training today." [Y/N] wondered aloud; Bakugo looked at the girl a small smile on his face. He did like listening to the girl, "You'll tell me after won't you?" [Y/N] asked the boy. She finished her drink and chucked it in the bin, Bakugo did the same after he finished his americano.

"Sure," Bakugo spoke, his eyes catching onto Kirishima's spiky red hair and the other dunces around him. [Y/N]'s own eyes caught onto a familiar purple haired boy at the vending machine. Bakugo spotted her looking, "Go on, I'll see you after school. Make sure you wait for me this time." Bakugo grumbled, [Y/N] smiled gave him a quick side hug and skipped off with a wave.

Bakugo watched the girl go before stomping up to the group he was 'friends' with. Kirishima spotted him first and waved at the boy, "Bakugo you're here where's your friend, Mina wanted to meet her." Kirishima spoke gesturing to the pink-haired girl who was smiling at the spiky haired blond-haired boy.

"Yeah Kami told me all about your girlfriend." Mina teased the boy with a little smirk on her face, Kaminari chuckled and Sero just looked confused. Kirishima shook his head at the group.

"She's not my fucking girlfriend." Bakugo growled out and began stomping towards the door for the large school. The rest of the group followed behind him still teasing him the entire time.

"Oh, look there she is!" Kaminari pointed out to the group, "Hi [L/N]!" Kaminari shouted making all of the group look over along with [Y/N] and Shinso look over. The girl waved over to the group and the group waved back. Mina waved with lots of enthusiasm and the rest of them waved enthusiastically, Bakugo looked over and nodded.

"Hi Kaminari!" [Y/N] shouted back enthusiastically, Shinso looked over at the group but didn't say anything. If [Y/N] liked them then he wouldn't oppose it unless they hurt her, if she got hurt then he would step in but otherwise he would allow her them to be close to her.

"See I told you she's nice." Kaminari spoke to the group, "Oh Sero that's [L/N] Bakugo's girlfriend we think she's in 1-B." He explained to the confused boy who nodded his head, Bakugo sighed in annoyance and frustration at the boys words.

"She's not my girlfriend and she's in 1-C you dunce face." Bakugo growled out as they rounded the corner away from [Y/N]'s view. The group hummed in understanding, but most of them didn't buy it. Bakugo didn't like anyone, but this girl had found her way into Bakugo's space and he didn't seem in a hurry to get rid of her.

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