Chapter 11

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The bell rang signalling the end of the school day and the school week, soon the weekend would come, and [Y/N] couldn't wait to just relax and chill for those two days. A smile overtook her face as she began packing her stuff up.

Shinso's purple eyes stared at the girl as she packed up, he ached to be next to her longer but as the bell stopped ringing he knew their time together would be come to an end. A lightbulb went off in his head.

"Hey [Y/N]," He began. [Y/N] turned to the boy as she slung her bag over her shoulder. "Do you want to hang out this weekend? We can go to the park or something if you want?" Shinso got nervous, a small blush creeping onto his cheeks.

"Sure, do you want to meet at mine?" [Y/N] asked, a wide smile on her face. She would love to hang out with Shinso she has missed him a great deal. "I can text you the address when I get home," She continued further.

"Yeah, yeah I'd love that." Shinso smiled wider at the prospect of meeting with her outside of school, "Wanna go to the park? The cherry blossoms are beautiful this time of the year." Shinso asked, his heart wanting to see the cherry blossoms falling and landing in her hair.

"Ooh yes I'd love that Hitoshi!" [Y/N] smiled widely and wrapped her arms around the boy before pulling him into a close hug. Shinso felt his heart almost pop out of his chest, her natural scent overpowering his senses, her soft hair brushing against his neck and face, the way she fit perfectly against him. God he was so wrapped around her finger wasn't he?

"G-great text me your address and I'll come and pick you up at around eleven-ish." Shinso almost stuttered, I mean he did but only barely, he could almost melt into a small puddle on the floor. He really had to speak to his parents about this.

Hitoshi walked home, daydreaming of the day they would be spending together. When he got home his mother welcomed him with a side hug, his father nodded at him, and he was sat at the dinner table typing away on a laptop. Hitoshi sat down at the table as well.

"Mum, Dad can I talk to you both?" Hitoshi asked. His father, Hajime, shut the laptop and gave his son his full attention. His mother, Mihoko, placed the oven gloves down after checking on the food cooking, and sat at the table next to her husband.

"What's wrong Hitoshi?" Mihoko asked, her tone concerned and sympathetic. She was worried about her son; he was unusually quiet and fidgety.

"I've been having strange feelings for one of my classmates," Hitoshi began, Mihoko's face lit up and Hajime had a lightness in his eyes. "I want to protect her and keep her safe, but every time she's very close to someone I feel so angry. I've also been feeling strange twinges in my heart every time we're alone." Hitoshi finished.

Mihoko turned to her husband, a large and wide smile overtaking her face. "Hajime, it's happening! He's found the one!" Mihoko cheered, her face had such a large smile. Hitoshi was so confused; Hajime had a small smile on his face looking at his wife and then turned to his son in order to explain.

"There's a family," Hajime paused looking for the right words, "blessing, let's say. Your mother and me found each other and felt the same thing that you feel for each other. We are much more understanding of each other but some of our family have not had such an understanding time." Hajime explained gently trying to find the best words. Hitoshi looked at his parents trying to comprehend the words being spoken to him. "The best term we could find for it is Yandere, a person willing to kill and monopolise the person that is the one for them – their darling, as it's called." Hajime explained.

"A yandere?" Hitoshi whispered trying to think over the words, was he willing to kill for [Y/N] in order to keep her safe? Yes, yes he was. "By monopolise do you mean keeping them away from everyone else other than myself?" Hitoshi asked making Mihoko nod her head.

"Yeah, I know it must be a lot to take in but it's true we are living proof of it. If you can find another yandere it would be much easier, but if not then we can help you to keep your darling away from everyone else. You should do it sooner rather than later, cause those feelings will only get stronger." Hajime explained much more.

Hitoshi nodded his head, the explanation cleared up any and all doubt he had. Yes, he had feelings for [Y/N] and was a 'yandere' if that was the word for it. Anyone who caused [Y/N] pain or heartbreak or kept him away from her he would eliminate, his quirk would come in handy for it.

The next day Shinso checked his phone to see if [Y/N] had texted her address, she had. He walked the familiar way to her home, then he knocked upon her door. The door opened and [Y/N]'s smiling face appeared, she stepped out and shut and locked the door. Shinso smiled at the girl, after his parents clarified all of his feelings he felt much more assured.

The pair went to the park and spent the day hanging out together, Shinso was right the cherry blossoms that landed in her hair was gorgeous. [Y/N] and Shinso spent the whole day together, it was such a nice day. [Y/N] did not let her smile leave her face and Shinso had one as well. The day was almost a dream for Shinso.

"Hey baby wanna come and spend some time with us?" A deep male voice called from behind the pair as Shinso was walking her home. The pair didn't move as they didn't assume they were talking to her. "Oi don't ignore me bitch!" The same male voice shouted before a hand grabbed her shoulder and jerked her back.

"Ow!" [Y/N] spun out of the grip and Shinso stepped beside her in order to block it her from the men. There were three of them, a taller middle one and two shorter ones stood slightly behind him and either side of the middle one.

"Leave her alone," Shinso growled out, his need and desire to protect the girl making him see red on the edges of his vision. The men gave a little smirk as they saw the girl take a step closer behind Shinso.

"Fine, we will but if you want to come and be a little whore with us we'll be at the bar around the corner." The main man spoke, the other two laughed along with their friend before they began sauntering off. Once they turned the corner Shinso let out a sigh of relief.

He then turned back to the girl behind him, "Are you okay?" He asked gently placing his hands on her arms. His eyes scanning the girl to see if she had any injuries, only noting the scared look on her face and lack of smile. After he asked the question [Y/N] attempted to give him a smile, but she struggled with it.

"Yeah-yeah I'm fine," She muttered, she lowered her head a little. "Let's go home," She spoke reaching for his hand and taking it gently in her own. Shinso squeezed her hand and began leading her to her home, he loved the little domestic things, but the men still had him seething.

He would be sure to go back to that bar and make them regret everything they said and make sure they don't do that to anyone else ever again. Shinso would make sure nothing would cause her harm.

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