Chapter 13

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The bell rang signalling for the end of third period, Shinso was never more relieved for [Y/N] to leave his presence. [Y/N] had been gushing about Bakugo and how stupid she was not to notice it sooner, Shinso had been so annoyed once she skipped into the classroom. Shinso had heard about Bakugo all morning and he was relieved about the bell.

"Bye Hitoshi I'll see you in fourth period." [Y/N] waved goodbye to the boy before skipping off to the lunchroom. Shinso looks down at her table and saw her lunchbox still sat on the table, he had to give it back to her. She would need that for lunch.

[Y/N] arrived at her usual table with her three friends, they smiled at her as she arrived. "Hey Itsuka," [Y/N] greeted the girl, Itsuka looked at the girl and noted the bright sparkle in her eyes. She had a new crush. "Hey Tetsutetsu, Monoma how are you?" [Y/N] greeted the other two.

"Hey [L/N] how are you?" Monoma asked, he was leaning over the table a little bit. He stared into [Y/N]'s sparkling eyes and Itsuka looked at him in pity. Itsuka knew that [Y/N] had a new crush and Monoma had a little crush on the girl. He was way too obvious, but [Y/N] was oblivious.

"I'm great actually!" [Y/N] spoke, she smiled even wider about to explain how she was so stupid and hadn't noticed the boy who was right next to her the entire time, but she noticed that her lunchbox was missing. "Oh shit, I left my lunchbox in my classroom. I'll go grab it and then I'll come back." [Y/N] spoke, her lips turning down at the edges as she realised she had been too excited to tell Itsuka about Bakugo that she had left her lunchbox.

[Y/N] moved to leave the table until a shadow casted over her, the whole table moved their heads to look up at the person casting the shadow. Shinso stood there, the stoic look on his face making him look a little menacing, with a familiar lunchbox in his hands.

"Oh Hitoshi," [Y/N] spoke smiling at the boy, said boy had a smaller smile on his lips as he looked at the girl. "Is that my lunchbox?" She asked pointing at the box in his hands.

"Yeah I saw you left it, so I brought it for you," Shinso spoke softly placing the lunchbox on the table, [Y/N] smiled widely at the boy and pulled the lunchbox towards her. Shinso stared back at the girl as she stared back at him with a wide smile.

"Thank you, thank you Hitoshi. You didn't have to do that, you're so sweet." [Y/N] thanked the boy who nodded and smiled back at her. "Do you wanna sit with us or have the trio dragged you away with them?" [Y/N] laughed.

Shinso looked around the table, Tetsutetsu was smiling as was Kendo, but Monoma had a scowl on his face. "It's okay the trio of trouble told me to come and eat lunch with them in the classroom." Shinso rolled his eyes with his sentence.

"Good luck with that, I'll see you after lunch yeah?" [Y/N] spoke and Shinso nodded at her statement, "Thanks again for bringing my lunchbox to me." She thanked him again and he nodded at her again before he walked away from their table.

The table was left in silence when Shinso left, [Y/N] opened her lunchbox and began eating it. Completely forgetting about wanting to tell Itsuka about Bakugo. Monoma stared at the girl in shock, she was friends with him?

"Are you really friends with him [L/N]?" Monoma asked the girl, he was blinking quickly attempting to make sense of it all. [Y/N] nodded her head in earnest, of course she was friends with Shinso. "But he's a creep, his quirk is brainwashing did you know that?" Monoma asked.

"He's not a creep, he's my friend." [Y/N] defended the boy, "His quirk only works when he wants it to, he would never use it against someone for personal gain." [Y/N] decreed. She was a little annoyed and upset that Monoma didn't like Shinso.

"But you don't know that he's probably used his creepy quirk to make you forget about all of the perverted things he's done." [Y/N] blinked in shock, she felt anger run through her veins. How could Monoma say all those horrid things about Shinso, who had never done anything to hurt her.

"Shut up Monoma! You don't know him like I do, he's lovely and I think he's the best friend I could ask for." [Y/N] snarled out at the boy, who was taken aback that she was defending the purple haired boy so hard.

"I'm just saying I think you should stay away from him." Monoma spoke trying to deescalate the situation, but also trying to get his point across. He was failing at it so bad. He could see Kendo shaking her head a little as she looked pointedly at Monoma.

"No, I won't, he's my best friend and I won't be staying away from him. I will be staying away from you though until you can accept that you don't know Hitoshi so you can't judge him!" [Y/N] growled out as she collected her things. With her last sentence she stomped away from the table and towards the corridor.

[Y/N] stomped all the way to the classroom and saw Hitoshi and the three boys. She sat down in her usual seat, next to Shinso, and began angrily eating her lunch. Shinso looked at her and blinked a few times in shock, the trio of boys also stared at [Y/N].

"Hey [Y/N] you okay?" Shinso asked turning his whole body to face her.

"No! That blond bastard just told me I should stay away from you because," [Y/N] moved her fingers into air quotes, "you're creepy." [Y/N] sighed and turned even more to face the boy. Shinso blinked again, slower this time, [Y/N] defended him and refused to stay away from him. "So, I said I'll stay away from him." She puffed up her chest a little, proud of herself for defending her friends.

Shinso had never felt this joyful before, [Y/N] the love of his life had defended him and refused to stay away from him even at the pressure of her friends. Shinso could feel his heart twinge and skip beats so much so he was worried it would stop.

But then he realised that someone was trying to keep them away from each other, someone was trying to keep her to themselves, and it was 'that blond bastard'. That was either Bakugo, who she wasn't with when he saw her last, or Monoma, who was with her and was known for being a little bastard.

At least now he knew who he had to get rid of.

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