Chapter 12

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The bell rang signalling the end of the day. [Y/N] smiled relief filling her, finally she could go home and relax. She loved school, don't get her wrong, but she also loved going home after a long day and that day had been long.

[Y/N] was waiting in the hallway near to the changing rooms of Class 1-A, she had pulled out her phone and began playing one of those dead-end games that were good to pass the time. Her back was leaning against the wall.

"Iida do you have a crush on anyone?" Kaminari's boisterous voice shook [Y/N] from her game, her eyes moved upwards but her head did not. She was once again listening in on conversations from Class 1-A. It seemed to become a habit for her.

"No, I do not want to get involved in frivolous crushes until I become a full-fledged hero." Iida's tone showed no room for argument and Kaminari visibly deflated at the sentence. He had wanted to gain some juicy gossip in other people's love life as his was next to nothing and Kirishima refused to let him wingman for Bakugo with [L/N].

"Damn but like what's your type man, you always seem so focused you must have a type." Kaminari pressed. He was dying to know, and he wasn't the only one, [Y/N], still leant against the wall, was also wanting to know.

"Well, if you must know Kaminari, I want someone similar to me." Iida began, "Someone dedicated on becoming a hero with a powerful quirk, I want our children to be heroes and carry on the family name." Iida spoke.

Those words were enough to shatter [Y/N]'s little delusion that her and Iida would be together and get married. Iida wanted someone with a strong quirk, her quirk was boring and dull, he wanted someone who was dedicated to being a hero, she didn't want to be a hero and would never be a hero, Iida wanted someone to carry on the family name, [Y/N] didn't want kids. She was not and would never be the person Iida was looking for.

The rest of the boy's conversation was drowned out, [Y/N]'s ears felt clogged with water as if she was underwater. Nothing felt right, she felt off balance and heartbroken. Her mind felt heavy, and her eyes stung with unshed tears, but she refused to let them escape her eyes or even allow them to water her eyes.

She would suck it up, cry at home for a week and then move on. That's what she always did and that's what she would continue to do.

Bakugo soon left the changing rooms and saw [Y/N] leaning against the wall, waiting for him, she seemed distracted with her phone. Bakugo's loud footsteps should have been enough to alert her, but she was completely out of it, so Bakugo placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey [Nickname]," Bakugo spoke softly, [Y/N]'s head snapped towards him. Shock painted her features as she wasn't expecting him, but Bakugo could see the way her eyes were slightly red on the edges as if she was willing herself not to cry. He allowed a frown to take over his own features. "What's wrong?" He asked gently.

[Y/N] glanced around the pair and noted some students still milling about in the hallways and the rest of Class 1-A leaving the changing rooms. She turned back to Bakugo and shook her head; he immediately knew that she wanted to leave. Bakugo nodded his head and the two left UA without saying a word to each other.

When they arrived at their street Bakugo didn't stop at his house, instead he walked with her to [Y/N]'s own home. She welcomed him in, and they both sat on the sofa in the living room before any words were exchanged.

"Alright shithead, now tell me what's wrong," Bakugo all but demanded the girl to do so, as soon as the words left his lips [Y/N] let out a sigh. She still didn't look at him, instead staring down at her hands and watching her fiddling fingers.

"I'm just heartbroken is all. Iida was talking to Kaminari about his type and it's the complete opposite of me." [Y/N] sighed, she was still refusing to allow any of the tears to fall in front of Bakugo.

The blond-haired boy sighed; he had not been through this before, but he had comforted [Y/N] through some of her sad moments, specifically to do with her mother, and she had comforted him when he had a few panic attacks due to the sludge incident just after she moved to his neighbourhood. So just as she had been there for him then, and he her he would be here for her once again as he would always be.

"You can cry, it's okay. It's just me." Bakugo spoke softly. Those words were all that [Y/N] needed to hear to allow the flood gates to open, tears immediately began racing down her cheeks and collecting along her eyelid and falling into her lashes making them stick together. Bakugo moved to pull her into a side hug, and she melted into his side.

After about fifteen minutes of crying into Bakugo [Y/N] finally pulled away, she looked up at Bakugou through her wet lashes and the boy felt his heart clench in his chest. He really did like her a lot and event though she had just been crying over some other boy he couldn't help but find her beautiful.

[Y/N]'s own mind was working over how amazing Bakugo was, how kind he was to her and how warm he was. The boy was always there for her, and she was always there for him, they were very close, she hadn't even told Itsuka all about her mother, but Bakugo knew everything. She trusted him with her life and wanted him by her side at all times and she wanted to be by his side at all times, through his bad times and through his good times.

'Thank you Iida for making me realise just who I have next to me.' [Y/N] thought as she pulled Bakugo in for another hug.

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