Chapter 15

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The weekend had arrived, and [Y/N] was lying in bed awaiting for something to snap her from her boredom. She was doom scrolling on her phone attempting to cure her boredom, her ears soon caught the sound of shouting from the neighbour's house.

"Katsuki what have I told you!" [Y/N] heard Mitsuki's voice screaming at the boy she had a crush on, "Take the fucking trash out!" She had finished her screaming, but [Y/N] was just awaiting for Katsuki to scream back.

"Shut your trap old hag I'll do it now! Fuck off!" Katsuki's gruff voice called back to his mother, [Y/N] allowed a small smile to take over her face as she heard the boy. "Stop getting on my ass!" Katsuki added making [Y/N] let out a giggle.

As the screaming quietened down the girl had a thought, maybe she could spend the day with Katsuki. She had not spent a lot of time with the boy since figuring out her feelings, so she wanted to spend some more time with the boy in order to actually fully sort out her feelings for the boy. Were they just a small crush or was [Y/N] actually in love with him?

[Y/N] swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood, making her way towards the door. She was dressed at least. The girl made her way down the stairs within her home and towards the door, her eyes glanced over the multiple pairs of shoes attempting to decide which ones she wants to wear.

She eventually decided on the pair of trainers, ones that were slip on, so she didn't need to undo laces or anything like that. [Y/N] pulled each shoe on and opened the door.

[Y/N] followed the path and soon arrived at the Bakugo's residence. She knocked on the door and it opened almost immediately, Mitsuki stood there a large smile on her face as she stared at the young girl.

Mitsuki loved [Y/N], she was like the daughter she always wanted, and with [Y/N]'s mother being away most of the time she had half adopted the girl. [Y/N] also got along with Katsuki and made him much calmer, so she liked her even more.

"Hey [Y/N] what can I do for you?" Mitsuki asked the young girl, [Y/N] smiled at the woman. Masaru, Katsuki's father, poked his head out from behind his wife and smiled seeing [Y/N].

"Hey Mitsuki, Masaru how are you both?" [Y/N] asked the pair as Mitsuki ushered the girl inside. The three made small talk as they sat in the living room, [Y/N] loved the Bakugo's home. It was so lively and warm, unlike the house she herself called home. "I just wanted to hang out with Katsuki." [Y/N] explained her reasoning for coming over to their home.

"Oh of course, I'm sure he'd love to." Mitsuki smiled at the girl, she hoped deep in her heart that the pair would get married one day but her son had such a wall around his heart that she didn't think it would happen. "Katsuki!" Mitsuki screamed towards the stairs.

"What do you want now old hag?" Katsuki screamed back, but [Y/N] could hear his heavy stomps coming from his door to the stairs. Mitsuki scowled at her son's manners but knew [Y/N] didn't mind she had been around them enough.

"[Y/N] is here!" Mitsuki shouted back and those three words made Katsuki's stomps quicken just slightly. Katsuki's head popped up from around the corner on top of the stairs, soon followed by his body as he made his way down the stairs.

"Hey Kats, did you want to hang out today I haven't got much going on?" [Y/N] asked the boy when he had reached the bottom of the stairs. Katsuki nodded his head but then his eyes glanced over at his parent's faces.

"Yeah but let's do it at yours." Katsuki spoke softly, he liked the girl way too much to shout at her. [Y/N] nodded her head and stood, she thanked Katsuki's parents, and they said goodbye with hugs. The pair of students then headed towards the door where Katsuki slipped on his shoes before giving a half-hearted wave towards his parents.

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