Chapter 3

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The bell rang signalling for the end of the day making [Y/N] begin to pack her stuff up, her mind running over all of the homework she had to do tonight, whether that be some she procrastinated on, or some other things set today.

"Bye Hitoshi, I'll see you tomorrow." [Y/N] waved goodbye to the boy, Shinso waved goodbye to the woman and watched her go out the classroom door before he began packing his own stuff up. Just as he finished packing his stuff up a few of his classmates came up to him.

"Hey Shinso," a familiar boy to him, one that he had spoken to a few times, but they weren't close, approached him with two unfamiliar boys behind him. The first boy had brown hair that was slicked to his head, he had brown eyes and stood at around 5'8". The two boys behind him looked like twins one had orange hair that was tied back in a man bun, the other had orange hair that was down to his waist. "Are you close to [L/N]?" The first boy asked,

"Yeah we're best friends," Shinso stated stoically, he used the term that the girl herself had said that they were. The boys looked at each other, "Why are you asking Tanaka?" Shinso asked the first boy.

"Well Sora, Riku and I we're wondering if you could put in a good word for us?" Tanaka asked, the two boys behind him, Watanabe Sora and Watanabe Riku, nodded in agreement. Tanaka Itsuki was a known womanizer, in fact [Y/N] had told Shinso she would never even look his way because he's not her type. Shinso was too scared to ask her what her type was at the time.

"You guys like her?" Shinso asked, a bit annoyed, why does [Y/N] attract so many people? He needs to be a bit more vigilant, so no-one hurts her. Tanaka smiled at the boy and nodded his head, the girls in their class liked his smile and swooned whenever he smiled at them but Shinso couldn't see it.

"Yeah, I mean have you seen her?" Sora, orange haired twin, spoke next. He stared at the girls seat, "She's so hot and cute and sweet," He smiled in memory of the girl. Sora and Riku had spoken at home about their classmates and came to the conclusion they both had a small crush on the girl. They had decided they would both try to woo her, and she could pick.

"Please Shinso?" Tanaka asked the boy, who felt like turning his nose up at the boys. They weren't worthy of her presence. He was, as decided by [Y/N] herself, and they weren't. Shinso agreed to the boys, and they left him alone, but Shinso knew he wouldn't actually do anything for the three boys.

[Y/N] stepped out of the large building after making her way through the crowded hallways and stairs. She was grateful to be out in the open air, she took a deep breath and walked towards the gates that lead off the grounds of the school. [Y/N] was trying to think over what she wanted for food that night, should she have ramen or udon tonight?

"Oi!" A familiar voice called out from behind her, she turned and stomping across the grounds was Bakugo Katsuki. His spiky blonde hair quickly approaching her, some people stood behind him watching him go with concern on their faces as if the boy was going to murder the girl. Behind the boy was four people, a boy with spiky red hair, a familiar boy with a lightning bolt in his blonde hair, a boy with unkempt green hair and Iida Tenya her crush.

"Hey Katsuki, how was your day?" [Y/N] brightly smiled at the boy who now stood in front of her, he had furrowed eyebrows and his red eyes seemed annoyed as they looked at her. She could see his tense muscles and the way he was trembling with anger. "Not a good day then? Want me to use my quirk?" She asked the boy who grunted in response. His classmates looking at the pair in even more concern.

The girl lifted her arm and placed her hand on the boys shoulder, a light blue light shone from her hands and the boy's muscles untensed. Once her quirk had taken affect she withdrew her hand. "Better?" She asked looking up at him with a bright smile.

"Better thanks [Nickname]." Bakugo answered, his gruff voice much lighter now. He turned back towards his friends who looked shocked, concerned and scared. "What are you lot looking at? Piss off!" Bakugo shouted at them, but it lacked his usual anger. [Y/N] tapped his arm.

"Don't be so rude Katsuki." She scolded the boy; his classmates immediately came bounding over. All of them arrived within a second and stared at the girl in awe.

"Are you Bakugo's girlfriend?" The electrifying blonde boy asked, the spiky red-haired one hit him over the head and scolded him for being rude. The green haired boy looked as if he was trying to decipher who she was.

"She ain't my girlfriend dunce face!" Bakugo growled out.

"I'm his neighbour, but I think he uses me for my quirk." [Y/N] explained with a laugh. Bakugo frowned; he didn't use her for her quirk. "To be fair I use your parents for food." [Y/N] joked making Bakugo have a lightbulb go off in his head.

"The old hag wanted you to come to dinner tonight." Bakugo spoke to the student. [Y/N] nodded her head in agreement, looking forward to the woman's cooking, it was heavenly.

"What is your quirk?"

"That's none of your business Deku!" Bakugo spat, but once again his voice didn't contain the normal amount of animosity towards the green haired boy. [Y/N] side eyed her neighbour.

"Calming, I can calm anyone with a touch." She explained then her memory proved true, and she realised the name Bakugo had called the green haired boy. "Wait, you're the Deku that Katsuki talks about!" [Y/N] pointed to the sky in a knowing pose. "Katsuki he's nothing like what you tell me, he seems adorable." [Y/N] told the boy.

"I'm Kirishima," The red-haired boy butted in to the conversation, "That's Kaminari." He pointed at the blonde boy with a bolt in his hair. "That's Midoriya and that's Iida." Kirishima pointed at each boy respectively.

"Nice to meet ya! I'm [L/N]." She introduced herself with a small wave and was about to continue talking with the four boys, definitely not trying to get closer and know more about Iida, but Katsuki grabbed her wrist and began pulling her away from the boys.

"Let's go home the old hag will bite my head off if we're late." Katsuki lied, knowing full well he just hated the boys crowding him and her. Especially Deku and Iida, he knew she had a crush on the bespectacled boy. Not that he was jealous.

"Bye guys nice to meet you!" She waved to the boys with a smile on her face, to the other boys it looked like this wasn't an uncommon occurrence. The boys all looked around at each other in shock.

"She's cute." Kaminari was the one to speak after the pair had left. Kirishima hummed in agreement, trying to make sense of his friend and his neighbour. Maybe the angry boy had a crush on the girl.

"I think Kacchan has a crush." Midoriya spoke amused, he had never seen the boy act like that around anyone other than the girl he had just met. With her quirk it helps him, and she seems to like him at least a little bit even just as friends.

"Ooh maybe, we should wingman for him." Kaminari suggested making Midoriya shake his head vehemently. Helping Kacchan get the girl was a bad, bad idea. Kacchan would kill them dead. Iida was looking out towards the gates wondering why the girl seemed so familiar.

"She hangs out with Monoma, Kendo and Tetsutetsu at lunch. Maybe she's in class 1-B?" Iida spoke, Kaminari shuddered at the horrid bully of a blonde boy's name. "I shall ask Kendo at the next class president meeting." Iida decided turning back to the boys.

"I'm glad Bakugo has friends he seems to like. Or well a friend." Kirishima spoke smiling widely at the notion that the boy has friends that he hasn't scared away and seems to like him as well.

"Well, we should head home ourselves." Iida commanded and the rest of the boys nodded their heads in agreement before departing.

A purple haired boy stood a few steps away from the departing group, hidden in the crowd. He had heard everything, and he couldn't understand why [Y/N] has so many friends and attracts so many of these unworthy filths. Shinso toyed with the cat pen in his hands and smiled at the thought of it and the girl.

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