Chapter 20

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[Y/N]'s feet carried her down the streets towards her street, her mind working in order to figure out if she should just go home or head to the Bakugo residence as she would be safer there. As she turned onto her road she made her decision, the Bakugo residence.

Her feet were beating against the path, her feet ached really bad, but the adrenaline pushed her to keep going. Tears made the way down her cheeks the closer she got to Katsuki's house. The cool night wind cut past her cheeks making more tears race down her face.

[Y/N] quickly crossed the road, darting in between the few cars that were still driving around. Her vision was partially blurry due to the amount of tears that were building on her eyelids. Through the blurriness of her vision, she could see the gates that were her saviours.

She jumped over the fence in the spot Katsuki had showed her if she ever wanted to sneak into his house. At the time she had laughed and said she had no need, but if she ever wanted she'd dig a whole underneath their fences in their back gardens. Now, though, she had never been happier for the boy to have shown her.

[Y/N] got to the door of the house and began frantically pounding on the door, her legs shook as she finally stopped running, but the urgency she knocked on the door kept her upright. Her eyes caught sight of a light turning on from within the house and then some footsteps heading towards the door.

The door swung open and there stood Katsuki, a scowl on his face.

[Y/N] immediately burst into tears and threw herself at the boy, he looked concerned but wrapped his arms around the girl as she sobbed into his chest. Katsuki heard footsteps behind him, and he spotted his mother stood there. Katsuki stepped backwards and kicked the door close with his foot.

"[Y/N] darling what's wrong?" Mitsuki's soft voice called to the girl, [Y/N] pulled herself away from the boy and her eyes drifted to Mitsuki. Katsuki stared down at the girl, he looked confused and concerned.

"Shinso he-he tried to kidnap me!" [Y/N] wailed and just that sentence was enough to cause Bakugo to feel anger like never before. Mitsuki could see her son about to explode, run out and find the fucker that made the girl cry like she is. Mitsuki took the girl into her arms and rubbed her back while glaring pointedly at the boy.

"Katsuki ring the police, let them handle this." Mitsuki commanded her son who was going to protest, but then his eyes glanced down to the girl in his mother's arms. Then he nodded and pulled out his phone, he pressed the call buttons to ring the police. "Come on [Y/N] love let's get you some tea to calm down." Mitsuki guided the girl to the sofa in the living room.

Once the boy had rang the police and they were heading over to the Bakugo's home Katsuki got the young girl a cup of tea. "Now you tell me what that fucker did." Katsuki growled out to the girl, she sipped at her tea and calmed down.

"I went over to Shinso's house and found a shrine dedicated to me," [Y/N] began, Katsuki raised an eyebrow at the girl's words. "It had things, he killed Monoma, Iida and some others. Then he used his quirk on me but when he fell asleep I ran straight here." [Y/N] finished.

"It's okay darling don't worry you're safe now." Mitsuki comforted the young girl. She felt so bad for the girl, but she could see her son shaking in pure anger. She refused to allow the boy to murder this Shinso boy.

The police quickly arrived and began asking [Y/N] questions, at the beginning she struggled to articulate the words on the tip of her tongue, but Mitsuki had pushed her son to comfort the girl and then Katsuki sat on the sofa and wrapped his arm around [Y/N]'s shoulders.

Once the girl had told the police all of the answers to her questions they headed to Shinso's home in order to arrest the boy. Katsuki wrapped the girl in his arms as Mitsuki made her tea and got her some snacks and Masaru was helping his wife and discussing the girl.

"You can stay with us you know," Katsuki spoke pulling the girl towards him a little more, "and if that guy ever comes near you again I'll kill him." His tone was ice cold, [Y/N] knew he was being completely serious and believed him whole heartedly.

"I'll help you hide the body." [Y/N] mumbled, Katsuki quirked a little smile at her. He knew she wasn't being serious, but he was happy she was making a little joke. "How shall we kill him?" [Y/N] asked the boy.

"I was thinking drowning or suffocate him," Katsuki spoke, he moved to kiss her on the forehead and did so before his eyes moved to the kitchen where his parents were stood. Mitsuki had a large smile on her face and Masaru had a smaller smile on his face. Katsuki's eyes blew wide in shock.

"I'd like that," [Y/N] mumbled before dropping off into sleep, Katsuki pushed her head onto his shoulder. [Y/N] soon fell into a deep comforting slumber, Katsuki allowed her to sleep on his shoulder as his parents came back into the room and sat down on the sofa. Katsuki nodded his head at his parents who nodded back.

A pounding knock on the door woke up all of the Shinso's. Hitoshi noticed no [Y/N] in his arms and clocked that it was probably the police at his door. He jumped out of bed and began packing things into a backpack. Hitoshi grabbed all of the things he needed in order to live for a little, then he opened his window.

Hitoshi's purple eyes glanced out the side of his house, he glanced over to the front of his house and saw a few police cars. They were standing at the front of his home trying to get to him. Hitoshi flung himself out of the window and gripped onto the drainpipe, he slid down onto the floor and allowed himself to land quietly.

"Freeze, police!" An officer screamed as the boy turned and ran. The grass beneath his socked feet made him feel like a pro hero, but the officers screaming at him from behind him he felt much more like a villain. He knew he wouldn't be able to run forever but he could certainly try.

Katsuki smiled down at the girl as he carried her to his bed, she would be much more comfortable there rather than on his shoulder on the sofa.

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