Chapter 22

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"Okay honey we're heading out, are you sure you don't want me to stay and look after you?" Mitsuki asked the girl who was buddled up in a blanket on the sofa. She was ill, but the Bakugos wanted to go out for food that night due to a client that Masaru and Mitsuki had gotten.

"No thank you Mitsuki, I'll be okay." [Y/N] mumbled out as she was bundled up into a ball. Mitsuki seemed a little apprehensive to leave but Katsuki almost blatantly refused. He had to be dragged to the car by his mother after being basically attached to [Y/N]'s side the entire time.

After the first letter they had received Katsuki refused to leave [Y/N]'s side. He wouldn't allow Shinso to get anywhere near her, it was bad enough she had to go to her classes that weren't with his class. Mitsuki had literally dragged him by the ear out the door and towards the car, then she came back and tended to [Y/N] a little more.

"Alright baby, we'll be back in a few hours okay?" Mitsuki spoke before she shut the door but not lock the door. [Y/N] sat still bundled up in the blanket hearing nothing but silence within the house, but she knew.

She knew that every room had police officers hid within it. She knew that Shinso would arrive any second now. She knew that she would finally have peace.

"Hey [Y/N]," Shinso's voice was heard from behind her, and [Y/N] took another deep breath before turning around. Her eyes held a glare that Shinso refused to believe was for him. "I won't use my quirk on you sweetheart, as long as you listen to me." He spoke taking a step forward with her hand stretched out.

[Y/N] opened her mouth to speak but then closed it before she could utter a word, not believing a word Shinso spoke. Her finger hovered over the button that would alert the police that it was time to arrest the fucker in front of her.

"Please sweetheart just talk to me, I won't use my quirk on you. Please don't be scared of me." Shinso spoke, he felt tears well in his eyes as the fearful and angry look on [Y/N]'s face and deep rooted within her eyes shook him to his core. He took another step closer until he was one step away from touching the back of the sofa and getting his hands on her.

Then she pressed the button.

As soon as she did the room doors opened and the police came running in, pointing their guns at the boy. He began screaming, thrashing and begging for [Y/N] to come to him, to save him, to love him. She stood there stoic and deadpan as the front door opened and the Bakugo's walked in.

Katsuki had a glare on his face as he walked up to [Y/N] and wrapped his arms around her, the blond boy gave a sly little smirk before kissing [Y/N] on the forehead. Mitsuki stood to the side of her son and [Y/N], her arms crossed and a deep seething glare on her face. Masaru placed a hand on his wife's shoulder and gave the purple haired boy a middle finger.

"Please [Y/N]! I LOVE YOU!" Shinso screamed as the police hoisted him in the air and out the door. As soon as the door was closed by the police, after thanking the family, [Y/N] collapsed into Katsuki's arms.

"Kats I love you," [Y/N] mumbled into Katsuki's chest, the boy felt his heart pounding as she said it and his face got so red. Katsuki pulled her closer and placed another kiss on her forehead before mumbling back the same words.

"She will be mine!" Shinso screamed as the officers drove away from the Bakugo's residence, much to the annoyance of the officers driving him.

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