Chapter 18

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The next day [Y/N] arrives to school with a new skip in her step, she was extremely happy and having Katsuki next to her made her even happier. The two had talked after their kiss last night and decided that they would officially date when they had gone on a few dates as they were a little nervous to begin fully dating.

Shinso sat at his desk awaiting for the moment [Y/N] would walk in, he would ask her to come to his parent's house in order to keep her away from everyone else. Shinso's leg bounced in anxiousness, his eyes flitting between his hands fidgeting in his lap and the door.

"Hey Hitoshi how are you?" [Y/N]'s sweet and polite voice called as she sat in her chair, Hitoshi's head snapped to the girl his purple eyes widened for a moment, wondering how she came in without him noticing.

There was a silence for a pause as [Y/N] continued to smile at the boy expectantly, "I-I'm good thank you [Y/N], how are you? I'm glad your back and feeling better." He spoke softly, his fingers still fidgeting in his lap. [Y/N]'s face lit up, almost blinding the boy.

"Yeah I'm all good now, we need to hang out again soon I've missed you." [Y/N] spoke and Shinso had a lightbulb go off in his head, he could use that to get her over to his home. Shinso nodded at the girl.

"Do you wanna come to my house tonight?" Shinso asks, [Y/N] thought over it. She would love to meet Hitoshi's parents, she wondered what they would be like. [Y/N] nodded her head enthusiastically and Hitoshi had a hopeful gleam in his eyes. This would be perfect.

The bell rang signalling the beginning of the school day, Shinso was on cloud nine the whole day. At lunch the pair decided she would walk home with him, have dinner and hang out and then she'd go home. She had to text Katsuki that she wouldn't be walking with him.

🦋 [Nickname]: I wont be walking home with you tnite

Why the fuck not: Kats 💥

🦋 [Nickname]: Going to Hitos house

🦋 [Nickname]: meeting his parents

Text me when you leave that purple fuckers house: Kats 💥

Ill watch you out the window: Kats 💥

🦋[Nickname]: will do

The bell soon rang signalling the end of the day, [Y/N] waved to Bakugo and the rest of Class 1-A before heading out the school gates and decided to wait for Hitoshi. She was super excited to meet his parents, Hitoshi was anxious but excited as well and Bakugo was a little annoyed that she wouldn't be walking home with him, but they would go out on a date this weekend.

Little did each of them know by the end of the day all of their dynamics would change. Drastically.

"Hey Hito, ready to go?" [Y/N]'s soft voice called from in front of him, Shinso looked up from his feet and caught sight of the girl waving at him from a little way away. Even though there were a few students in between the two of them Hitoshi could see her so clearly.

She was even more beautiful than ever before, the way her hair sat and was caressed by the breeze, the way her eyes lit up in excitement once she saw him, the way she carried herself and the way her smile made his legs quiver in love. He was so in love with the girl.

Hitoshi made his way over to the girl, his legs feeling like jelly as he got closer and closer to her. His heart was beating so fast within his chest, he was so sure [Y/N] would be able to hear it once he got closer to her.

"Hey [Y/N], yeah I'm ready whenever you are." Hitoshi voice did not represent how he was feeling thankfully. [Y/N] smiled at him as the two began walking to Hitoshi's home, he had texted his parents at lunch to let them know she was coming over and they were both very excited.

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