Chapter 21

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The next morning [Y/N] woke up and went downstairs to the kitchen, where the Bakugo family was sat. Katsuki immediately noticed the girl as she wandered into the kitchen, her hair was unkempt and all over the place, she was rubbing her eyes and yawned very cutely.

"Hey honey, how are you faring?" Mitsuki asked gently, as the girl sat down at the table next to Katsuki. Katsuki looked at the girl and then decided she needed breakfast, he stood and moved to the counter in order to get the girl some breakfast.

"I'm okay, thank you so much for letting me stay." [Y/N] thanked Mitsuki who only cooed at the girl. Katsuki soon came back to the table and placed it in front of the girl, [Y/N] glanced down at the plate and saw pancakes drizzled in honey with sugar sprinkled on top. Katsuki then placed a glass of orange juice down as well. "Thanks Kats," she said.

"How did you sleep?" Katsuki asked the girl, [Y/N] nodded as she shovelled pancakes inside her mouth. Katsuki smiled at the girl, then he went back to drinking his own orange juice. "Do you want me to go and kill the fucker?" Katsuki asked.

"Are we drowning him or suffocating him? Have you decided?" [Y/N] asked, Masaru blinked in shock and Mitsuki laughed a little. Katsuki quirked a small smile at the girl.

"What would you prefer?" Katsuki asked the girl, [Y/N] blinked thinking over the options. Imagining Hitoshi drowning was fun but also imagining watching the light in Hitoshi's eyes die out. Katsuki watched as she got an evil glint in her eyes, he felt pride fill him a little.

"Suffocation." [Y/N] quickly decided, Katsuki nodded his head in agreement. Mitsuki looked at the pair with admiration, she was happy that the lovely and adorable girl from next door was very close with her idiot son. Masaru looked at the pair, oh young love. "Have we heard from the police?" [Y/N] asked bringing the mood down.

Mitsuki and Masaru glanced at each other for a second, "Well," Masaru began, "The police found the altar you were talking about, but they didn't catch him unfortunately." He finished, [Y/N] paused mid-chew. They hadn't caught him yet?

A knock on the door shook them from their gloomy mood, [Y/N] immediately thought it may be Hitoshi come to find her. She began breathing heavier, Katsuki placed a hand on her shoulder and snapped her from her stupor. Mitsuki stood and walked to the door, she noticed [Y/N]'s reaction and decided that when and if she opened the door to see the boy who hurt [Y/N] she would snap his whole body in half.

Mitsuki opened the door, no one was there, she glanced down and saw a letter addressed to [Y/N]. It seemed like a handwritten letter, she picked it up and brought it into the kitchen.

"Who was at the door?" Masaru asked as Mitsuki walked into the kitchen, [Y/N] and Katsuki just looked at Mitsuki. They noticed the envelope in her hands.

"It wasn't anyone it was just a letter." Mitsuki spoke, she placed it on the table, "It's addressed to [Y/N]." Mitsuki spoke making Katsuki turn to the letter and glare at it in pure unfiltered anger. He wanted to burn it. [Y/N] glanced at Katsuki and saw the glint in his eyes.

"You can burn it Kats, I don't even want to read it." [Y/N] spoke as she finished off her pancakes, then she reached for her orange juice. Katsuki looked at her and she nodded at him, then he glanced at the letter.

"Can I read it?" He asked, [Y/N] blinked for a moment then nodded and allowed him to open it. Katsuki reached across the table and ripped open the envelope, he read it and [Y/N] watched as Katsuki's face got redder and redder as he got angrier and angrier. [Y/N] didn't even want to know what was in the letter, but as soon as she thought that she didn't even want to see it Katsuki allowed his palms to spark, and the letter caught fire. It soon turned to ash.

"Good riddance," Masaru said, his eyebrows were furrowed as he stared at the ash on the table from the letter that was there.

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