Chapter 17

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The next few days [Y/N] didn't go to school due to Monoma's death, Shinso was concerned and frequently texted her and also showed up at her house to see how she was. [Y/N] appreciated his concern, but what she didn't know was that Shinso had been watching over her even more than she knew.

Katsuki spent a couple of nights over, sleeping on the floor, making sure she was okay, and [Y/N] spent a couple of nights over at his place. Shinso felt more jealousy creeping into his heart but allowed it as [Y/N] was clearly not okay with Monoma's death and if he knew that it would affect her so much he wouldn't have made his death so violent.

Shinso watched as yet again Bakugo was over at [Y/N]'s home, Bakugo was cooking [Y/N] some food as she lay wrapped in a blanket on the sofa in the living room. His purple eyes locked onto Bakugo moving into the living room with two plates filled with curry.

"[Nickname], I've got some curry here for you." Katsuki's softer voice, which was only reserved for [Y/N], was heard from the boy as he walked into the living room and sat next to her. He handed the plate to her along with some cutlery.

"Thanks Kats," [Y/N] spoke, her voice was soft, but she had processed the death quite a bit and was ready to go back to school now. The two ate in silence for a moment, and [Y/N] finished her meal and put the plate on the table. "That was really good thank you," [Y/N] thanked the boy.

Katsuki soon finished his own meal and placed the plate also on the table, he then turned to [Y/N] and noticed a piece of rice stuck to her face, "[Nickname] you've got a piece of rice on your face." He pointed to his own face.

[Y/N] tilted her head cutely and lifted her hand to get rid of it, but she did it to the wrong side. Katsuki smiled at her, "I got it," his lips quirked up a small amount before he leaned forward and reached up to get rid of it. His hands brushed against her cheek, catching onto her lips, making [Y/N]'s face turn a bright red. Katsuki's own face was a little flushed as well.

Katsuki then moved away, the air thick with tension, [Y/N] turned away a little her face still so red. Nothing happened for a moment before [Y/N]'s eyes glanced over at the plates still on the table, "I'll wash up," [Y/N] unwrapped herself from the blanket and placed it on the sofa.

As [Y/N] went to stand up Katsuki made up his mind and grabbed her wrist to pull her back down onto the sofa, she fell with an 'Oof' and Katsuki pulled her closer to him. [Y/N]'s lips were parted a little in shock, Katsuki had wanted the first time he kissed her to be at a better time but god she just looked so cute.

"I really wanna kiss you," Katsuki mumbled out, the grip on her wrist relented just a little as fear crept into his heart. Would [Y/N] reject him? Would she find him disgusting and never want to see him again? Would she hate him? Katsuki waited for her to say something, anything giving him either permission or reject him.

[Y/N] heard his words and felt her heart flutter, she didn't even say anything she just closed the distance between them. Their lips meeting in a quick peck, it was their first kiss. Katsuki's eyes flew open when she closed the gap between them and kissed him, but as the kiss continued on his eyes fluttered shut.

From outside Shinso stared in disbelief, they were kissing, [Y/N] had her goddess-like lips on the lips of a beast such as Bakugo Katsuki. [Y/N] had not chosen him to be worthy of her time, in fact he was pushed onto her by their houses being in close proximity and the boy not having any friends of his own so [Y/N] must have felt pity for the boy.

[Y/N] had been kissed by the boy, she had been forced into that kissed, she didn't want it. No, she couldn't have wanted, surely she was only saying that she had a crush on the blond boy to throw him off the scent so he wouldn't catch on to her feelings for him. Of course that has to be the truth. There was absolutely no way she actually had a crush on the blond boy.

His parents would know what to do.

Shinso walked home and soon arrived home, his parents were sat on the sofa in their living room. Hitoshi went into the living room and sat on a separate sofa to his parents. They turned to the boy.

"Hey Hitoshi what's wrong?" Mihoko asked the young boy, Hajime turned to the boy as well. Their full attention on the young boy rather than the tv in front of them. Hitoshi paused for a moment, he didn't know how to explain it, but he would try.

"The girl I told you about, she was kissed by someone today." Hitoshi frowned thinking of the kiss shared between the two. Mihoko and Hajime paused, the girl that their boy loved had kissed another man. "I think she's just feeling pity for him, but I don't want her to be forced into a relationship." Hitoshi spoke softly.

"Son I think you should keep her away from that boy, if he's using her or forcing her into things then he's only going to hurt her more. She can always stay here," Hajime spoke, the words seemed innocent enough, but Hitoshi knew the deeper meaning behind them.

"Yeah that boy is not good for her, and we'd love to meet her wouldn't we Hajime?" Mihoko spoke, her words were caring but unlike her husband who used a soft tone for once, Mihoko's tone was ice cold. Thus, allowing Hitoshi to understand even more so that [Y/N] needed to be away from Bakugo to see who was truly next to her all the time.

Hitoshi knew that [Y/N] wouldn't like it at first, but she'd come to understand. He'd make her see exactly who the best person for her was. Hitoshi's mind and heart melded and came to the same conclusion sat in that living room with the soft glow of the TV, long forgotten, shining onto his face.

[Y/N] needed to be away from everyone, except him and his parents. 

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