Chapter 8

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The next few weeks went by as usual:

- Go to school with Bakugo

- Spend the first three periods with Shinso

- Go to lunch with Itsuka, Monoma and Tetsutetsu

- Fourth period with Shinso

- Last period with Class 1-A's training session

- Walk home with Bakugo

She enjoyed Class 1-A's training session, they were fun, and she got to spend time with new people and make some more girl friends. [Y/N] had realised that most of her friends were boys, and she needed more girls as friends. Mina had quickly become her favourite, Uraraka a close second. She had been texting Shinso a lot more and they were closer.

"Bakugo you've been so much calmer since [L/N] has come into our classes." Kirishima said as they were changing out of their hero costumes. Bakugo grunted in agreement, but desperately wanted everyone to stop talking about [Y/N].

"Yeah Kacchan hasn't been as mean to me since she's been here, I like her a lot and she's really nice." Deku's voice chimed in next. He spoke his mind and Bakugo felt his eyebrows furrow, that stupid prick can shut the fuck up.

"I think she's very resourceful and smart." Todoroki's words sounded a small alarm in Bakugo's head thinking over the previous time he mentioned [Y/N] and how it sent him off on his outburst. Bakugo clenched his fists.

"She's super nice, Bakugo is [L/N] single?" Kaminari's annoying voice called to the boy; Bakugo whipped his head around to look at the blond boy. Kaminari had a stupid happy grin on his face, Bakugo wanted to punch it off. Bakugo debated lying.

Then his eyes glanced over to Iida and knew that [Y/N] would kill him if he didn't help her with her little crush. "Yeah she's single." Bakugo grunted out, annoyed that he was put on the spot. A few of the boy's face erupted into smiles, of varying size.

Todoroki was one of them, he had a small smile on his face. He had had a few conversations with the girl, and he enjoyed them immensely. She was always so sweet and understanding with him. Plus, Fuyumi was pressuring him to get a girlfriend, maybe having [L/N] as a girlfriend wouldn't be too bad.

Kaminari fist bumped the air in excitement, "Hell yes!" He degreed. Bakugo and Todoroki looked at him with a scowl on their faces. Bakugo thought over all of the boys who have showed an interest in [Y/N]: Kaminari, just wanted a girlfriend no matter who it was, Todoroki, the emotional range of a dead fish, Monoma, a complete asshole, and the three boys in her class, he didn't know them, but they were pushy.

Once all the boys were changed they left the lockers and got ready to go home. "Hey Kats, you ready to go?" [Y/N]'s soft called out to the boys. They all looked a little happy to see her, either cause they liked her or cause she can wrangle Bakugo.

"Before you go [L/N]," Kaminari beat Bakugo to it. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" Kaminari asked making Todoroki feel a small pit in his stomach and Bakugo had a snarl on his face. [Y/N] had a small blush on her face and rubbed the back of her neck.

"Sorry Kaminari," she began gently, "I already have someone I like." She finished, Kaminari was crushed and felt his soul leave his body. Sero patted him on the back. Todoroki felt a small piece of hope fill his chest; Bakugo knew exactly who she had a crush on. "You're really sweet though and I'm sure someone would love to go on a date with you." [Y/N]'s bright smile came back on her face.

"Come on [Nickname], let's go home. The old hag is cooking your favourite." Bakugo moved out of the crowd and grabbed onto her wrist before pulling her towards the exit for the school. [Y/N] waved back at all the guys who waved back, in once again varying degrees of excitement.

The pair began making their way home, never noticing the purple eyes following them.

Shinso had been feeling a little left out from [Y/N]'s life so he had to make sure she was safe; I mean Hero Classes are never fully safe. The hero students get hurt all the time and Shinso just had to make sure she was unhurt and safe completely. That's the only reason he was watching her walk home, just to be sure she was safe. He had found out a few things while he had been following her though.

Shinso had found out her parents were never home, in fact she lived alone but spent some time with her neighbours the Bakugo's. Shinso had also found out that she liked to sing while she was alone, and she had an amazing voice. Shinso wanted her to sing to him.

His purple eyes followed them every day in the morning and in the evening. He saw how they went into the same coffee shop every morning to get a drink and he saw how Bakugo came to collect her every morning at the same time and he saw how she teased him sometimes depending on the day. Shinso saw how she spent her weekends studying and going on walks outside in the large park not too far from her home, she did look very pretty when the cherry blossoms fell in her hair.

However, what annoyed Shinso the most was when Bakugo would teasingly hit her. He would sometimes kick her, and she would kick back harder making Bakugo complain. Bakugo would also slap her over the head when she said something teasing to him, but she would pout at him, and he would apologise.

He did love hearing their conversations though even if he didn't like what they were talking about right now.

"I can't believe Dunce Face asked you on a date." Bakugo's words caused a small twinge to hit Shinso's heart. [Y/N] simply hummed in response to his words. "You handled it well though," Bakugo continued making Shinso feel a little better.

"Well, I'd feel too bad if I went on a date with Kaminari even though I like Iida." [Y/N] mused making Bakugo hum. Shinso felt another twinge hit his chest, [Y/N] liked Iida. He was happy for her, but he would keep an eye on the boy who held her heart just in case he hurt her.

"They did ask me if you were single in the locker room." Bakugo told the girl. [Y/N] smiled at the boy happily, thanking him without words. He shared a look with her, both of them understanding what was being said with no words.

As they arrived at their home Shinso decided to leave to his own home, ignoring the twinge in his chest everytime a romantic rival presented themselves.

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