Chapter 6

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[Y/N] spent the next few days in her little routine: get up and walk to school with Bakugo picking up a coffee, then spend the next few hours with Shinso and sometimes the other three boys, next join Itsuka and her friends for lunch with Class 1-A sometimes coming over to say hi, then spend the last few hours with Shinso, finally walk home with Bakugo and every other day have dinner at the Bakugos.

She enjoyed her routinely days with all of her friends, she loved spending time with them all. Bakugo still got very angry sometimes at lunch and she always swooped in to calm him down with her quirk. So much so that all of class 1-A now knew her and how she was close to Bakugo.

"Hey [Y/N] how was your lunch?" Shinso's cheerful voice called to the young girl as she sat down next to him. She smiled brightly at him making Shinso feel all giddy inside. He felt so warm when she smiled at him and being so close to him. He loved it.

"It was good thank you, what about yours Hitoshi?" [Y/N] asked listening intently to him complain about the three boys who had begun hanging around them. Tanaka, Riku and Sora had attached themselves at the hip to the purple-haired boy, but they seem much more interest in talking to and about [Y/N]. "God they are a little annoying aren't they?" [Y/N] asked after Shinso had finished.

"They are aren't they? I wish they would leave me, and you, alone." Shinso grumbled out in frustration, [Y/N] reached over to his seat and patted him gently on the back. Shinso felt a tingle spread out from the area she had patted; he felt his cheeks warm slightly.

"I know, I know. You're way too nice to them." [Y/N] spoke retracting her hand and putting it back on her lap. "Now come on we've got some studying to do." [Y/N] smiled even wider when not talking about the three boys. Shinso gave his own smile back and began pulling his stuff out.

The fourth period of the day went by slowly, the Maths test they had made the hour drag by even longer. She had finished the test quite quickly as she had studied quite a lot, she had double, tripled, quadruple checked it. Then she stared at the clock, just watching the hands crawl along the surface of it towards the next number.

Once the hour was up, "Alright everyone that's it." The teacher clapped her hands to stop the students writing. A few groans sounded from the class. "I'll be walking around and collecting each of your papers," She said and began walking down each row and picked up the individual papers from each student.

"Hey Hitoshi, how did you find it?" [Y/N] asked turning to the boy once all of the papers had been taken in. Shinso smiled at the girl, his smile was a little wobbly making [Y/N] drop her own smile. "Oh no, not too well?" [Y/N] frowned slightly in worry.

"Nah not too confident on that one unfortunately," Shinso rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly glancing down at his desk, which had the pen on it that she had gifted him. He smiled slightly in reassurance once he saw it.

"Aww that's a shame, we'll study some more for the next test." [Y/N] once again patted him on the back, he felt the same familiar tingles. "If you want give me your number and we can arrange a study session outside of school?" [Y/N] suggested to the boy who felt his face got even warmer than before. She wanted his number. To hang out after school. To hang out after school with him. He was going to hang out with her outside of school!

"Yeah, yeah sure." Hitoshi turned back to the girl after he calmed his face down. He didn't want to sound too eager, but not too disinterested either. [Y/N] allowed a smile to almost split her face in half, her eyes lighting up in excitement and happiness. Shinso felt more heat creep up his neck and almost reach his face if he didn't push it down.

The pair swapped phones in order to share their numbers with each other, after putting them in they gave them back to each other. Matching grins on each of their faces. Shinso felt euphoric, nothing else had ever made him feel as on cloud nine as this moment had. His mind going to imagining how he would feel if she came over to his home or him going over to her home.

An urgent sounding knock on the classroom door making everyone pause, including the teacher. She furrowed her eyebrows for a moment before moving towards the door, she opened it and stood there was Iida Tenya. He was wearing what looked like a white suit of armour and was a little out of breath, his face was red, and his glasses were a little skewed.

"Sorry to bother you and interrupt your class but I really need [L/N] [Y/N] to come with me to Class 1-A hero training grounds." Iida spoke in between short breaths of air. The teacher raised a single eyebrow before turning to the class. Everyone followed her eyes to glance at the named girl, who looked a little shocked.

"Can I ask what for?" The teacher turned back to the boy at the door, Iida had fully caught his breath by this point. He had a little pit in his stomach from running in the hallways, but Bakugo was literally about to blow up and after being told how to calm him down Aizawa told Iida to run to her classroom to grab the girl.

"We need her to come and calm a classmate down for the hero class, she's needed right now." Iida spoke, he was bouncing on each leg as he stood there. He was scared for his classmate's and friends safety. [Y/N] sighed knowing exactly who it was about, she began packing her stuff up and then turned to Shinso.

"I'll text you later Hitoshi, I got to go and take care of a big baby." [Y/N] sighed and made her way towards the classroom door waving at Shinso. She made her way up to the teacher, "It's okay, he's my friend and if their teacher has sent a student it must be serious." [Y/N] placated the teacher who nodded her head.

Iida nodded his head to the woman and scooped her up in his arms bridal style before taking off running down the hall, using his quirk. [Y/N] stared at Iida's face as she was being carried away from her classroom, he looked so dashing and strong while carrying her. I mean he swept her off her feet so easily as if she weighed nothing.

Iida was staring straight ahead, on a mission to get back to the grounds as quick as possible. [Y/N] was staring at him, a small blush evident on her face as she did so, nothing could stop Iida from his goal, not even [Y/N]'s rose tinted glasses staring at him.

Once they made it to the grounds [Y/N] could hear Bakugo screaming at the top of his lungs and Eraserhead's stern voice shouting back at him. As they came to the outer ring of students Iida placed her down gently and she instantly made her way towards the centre of the ring, apologising and squeezing through the students who now knew her at this point and moved out of the way for her.

"Katsuki!" Her shout stopped the other voices, namely Bakugo's own voice and Eraserhead's voice. As she stepped out of the crowd of students Bakugo spotted her and almost instantly calmed down a little, but it didn't fully quell his anger. [Y/N] made her way closer to the boy as Eraserhead's scarf/bandage thing fell from around Bakugo and his hair dropped onto his shoulders.

[Y/N] stepped up to him and Bakugo moved slightly closer to the girl, she placed both of her hands on his shoulders. A pale blue light erupted from her palms, and everyone could see Bakugo immediately relaxing from the girl's quirk. Once he had calmed down she removed her hands from his shoulders.

Eraserhead watched the interaction go down and once the boy had calmed down enough for him to have a civil conversation with the boy he moved towards the pair. "Thank you [L/N]," Eraserhead's voice spoke from behind Bakugo.

"No problem Aizawa-sensei, I'm happy to help Katsuki at any time. He's a close friend of mine." [Y/N] smiled for a second, Bakugo felt the tiring effects of his outburst and leaned his head on [Y/N]'s shoulder. [Y/N] ran her fingers through his hair as she spoke a bit more with Eraserhead.

Class 1-A stared in shock at the almost literal puppy that Bakugo had become in [Y/N]'s arms.

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