Chapter 14

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The next day Shinso left school with a goal in mind, he had spent the whole day being by [Y/N]'s side as she fumed about Monoma trying to tell her who she could be friends with. He had to be rid of him.

As Shinso left the school he scanned the crowd and immediately spotted the boy he needed, the blond-haired boy was smiling and laughing and joking with another boy with silver hair. Shinso recognised the silver hair as belonging to Tetsutetsu. Shinso's purple eyes locked on to the blond-haired boy and began following the two.

Shinso followed the boys all the way, around streets and onto trains and off of trains. Shinso followed them all the way until a crossroads and there he stopped and watched as the boys laughed and joked before waving goodbye and separating. Monoma turned right and Tetsutetsu turned left.

Shinso watched as Tetsutetsu left before Shinso also moved to the right to follow Monoma. Monoma was walking down the street and moved into an alleyway, Shinso sped up in order to catch him in that alleyway. As he turned the corner he spotted Monoma near the end of the alleyway.

"Hey Monoma," Shinso called out to the boy. The blond boy turned around and spotted Shinso stood in the alleyway, said alleyway was drowned in the setting sun light and the flickering lamp post, struggling to come on. "I was wondering if we could talk out our differences, it's upsetting [Y/N]." Shinso added as Monoma turned fully to face the boy.

Monoma stared at the boy for a moment, trying to figure out if he was being truthful. To be fair to the purple-haired boy [Y/N] had been ignoring him and he did want to apologise to her and figure things out.

"Can't we do this in school?" Monoma asked, Shinso looked at him for a moment before turning on his quirk ready to brainwash him. The two stared at each other for a few seconds longer, the silence was almost deafening as they stood there in the alleyway.

"[Y/N] is always with me due to your fuck up, so it's best we do it out of school." Shinso spoke softly, attempting to rile the boy up so he would shout at him. Monoma blinked in annoyance before he allowed a snarl to take over his face as he looked at the boy.

"I didn't fuck-" Monoma began before Shinso's quirk took effect. Monoma's blue eyes took on a grey dazed look. His face becoming void of emotion. Shinso had never been so joyful when seeing his quirk work on someone.

"Perfect now Monoma I want you to bash your skull into the wall until you die." Shinso spoke purposefully. Monoma's body moved to the closest wall and began to hit his head harder and harder against it. Shinso's whole body had electric shocks of pleasure run through it everytime Monoma's skull met the wall in a squishy, bloody mess.

Shinso stared, unblinking, in enjoyment allowing a sick smile to appear on his face as he watched the wall getting bloodier and bloodier each time Monoma hit his head harder against the brick alleyway wall.

Sadistic glee ran through Shinso's body as he watched Monoma's body slump to the floor, falling away from the wall and onto the cement floor. His purple eyes caught sight of the boy's cracked skull through the open wound, flesh curled around the cracked cranium, blood ran from the hole into Monoma's still open eyes.

Shinso moved to grab his backpack from his back and opened it up before removing his polaroid camera. The boy slung his backpack back on his back and moved to capture the perfect angle for the picture of Monoma's body. The setting sun made the shadows dance as Shinso took a picture, the shutter noise bouncing off the walls and into Shinso's ears.

When the picture had been taken it printed the black polaroid out, Shinso grabbed it and slipped it into a special case to allow it to develop. He then removed his backpack and slipped both things into it, then with a last sick smile he moved away from the body and towards his home.

"Hey Hito how was your day?" Mihoko, Hitoshi's mother, asked as soon as the boy walked in his home and shut the door behind him. Hitoshi smiled at his mother's voice, he moved towards her voice in the kitchen. Once he made it into the kitchen he noted his mother sat at the table drinking from a cup and his father also drinking from a cup while reading from his phone.

"It was great thank you, how were your days?" Hitoshi asked the pair as he pulled out a chair to sit down in. Hitoshi smiled at the pair, Mihoko smiled back while his tired father, Hajime, nodded at him.

"Yeah it was tiring but good, dinner will be ready in about fifteen minutes." Mihoko spoke softly before standing and moving towards the oven. Hitoshi nodded and moved out of the chair and towards the stairs, excitement flowed through him.

Hitoshi opened his bedroom door and moved to his closet before opening a small door in the back of said closet. Light flooded into the small space illuminating the things sat on a small altar placed there. Hitoshi ran his eyes over each item: a polaroid picture of [Y/N] with cherry blossoms in her hair while she's smiling, a short lock of [hair colour] hair, a piece of paper written in [Y/N]'s handwriting (This teacher is so boring I'd rather be at the park with you), three polaroids of the boys that catcalled [Y/N] all dead and a familiar pen with a cute cat topper on it.

The boy moved to open his backpack and remove the polaroid developing case from it, he opened it carefully and removed the polaroid within it. His eyes scanned the picture noting how good it looked, how real and intricate it looked and how it caught a falling drop of blood and the pieces of cracked skull lodged within the body's face.

After scanning it fully he placed it gently onto the altar and stared at how perfectly it sat within the three polaroids containing three other bodies. All of the polaroids contained the people who hurt the love of his life, who hurt the woman who was perfect in every way, those who hurt [Y/N]. His purple eyes widened in glee and his mind worked over trying to figure out whose polaroid to place there among them as well.

"Hitoshi dinner's ready!" Mihoko's voice snapped him from his sadistic delight, and he closed the small door and then closed the closet before leaving his room in order to go to dinner. [Y/N] would be so happy with him.

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