Chapter 10

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[Y/N] was waiting for Bakugo one day after their hero training when Iida, Midoriya and Uraraka left their respective changing rooms. [Y/N] noted their presence but quickly pulled out her phone to make herself seem busy so she could eavesdrop.

"Do you wanna go to the library to study this weekend?" Midoriya's soft voice called to his friends, "We have that science test next week," He continued, a hand on his chin in thought.

"I can't I promised I'd help out my parents this weekend," Uraraka frowned as she looked at the green haired boy. She had promised to help her parents with their large amount of paperwork, her appearance at the Sport's Festival had brought more awareness to her parent's business.

"That's okay Uraraka, don't worry. Iida what about you?" Midoriya asked turning to the boy, the brown-haired girl smiled slightly seeing how nice and kind Midoriya is. She was afraid he would be disappointed in her.

"Of course, it's always good to get some extra studying in before a test." Iida spoke matter of fact to the group; he was surprised that Midoriya had suggested it rather than himself but glad to get some extra studying in.

"Great, let's go on Saturday. I'll text you the details Iida." Midoriya confirmed just as they went around the corner and away from [Y/N], her eyes still followed them though. Trying so hard to listen in to get any more information, it was Thursday, so she had a few days to bug Itsuka into going with her to the library.

"Oi [Nickname]," Bakugo's gruff voice called to the girl who was snapped out of her daydream suddenly when the boy shouted for her and placed his hand on her shoulders. [Y/N] turned to look at the boy, he had a small scowl on his face. "Come on, let's go." Bakugo grunted.

[Y/N] nodded her head, her mind still running with ways to get Itsuka to come to the library with her at the weekend, Bakugo was a little annoyed at her ignoring him but didn't let it get to him too much. The training today had been good, so he walked with the girl in silence home.

The next day, Friday, [Y/N] decided to join her usual lunch table.

"[Y/N]! There you are girl I thought you were going to ditch us again," Kendo laughed once the [hair colour] haired girl sat down next to her. The two boys glanced up but didn't say anything. Monoma was a little annoyed she had ditched them, he looked forward to their lunch time hang outs even if it was just for the hour.

"Itsuka do you wanna come to the library with me on Saturday? I need some help studying some things, please!" [Y/N]'s cuteness would be her weapon, especially when it comes to getting people to do what she wants. Itsuka looked down at the girl's face, her wide puppy dog eyes catching her heart.

"Sure of course I can, what time?" Itsuka asked giving in to the girl's pleading, [Y/N]'s face was almost split in half by how wide her smile was. [Y/N] now had to think about what time Iida and Midoriya would be there, would they be there later in the afternoon or earlier in the morning. Knowing what she knew about Iida it would be morning but if Midoriya is the one organising it, which she knew he was, then it would probably be later in the afternoon.

"How does one-ish sound?" [Y/N] asked, deducing that that time would be perfect as it wasn't too late and not too early. Itsuka gave it a moment thought over the timings and the planning it would take to get there around the time she wanted to.

"Yeah that works." Itsuka agreed, "Is there anything in particular that you want to study?" She asked the woman, [Y/N] blanked. She didn't think that far ahead. Shit, shit, shit what would she say she wanted to study she doesn't have any tests or anything coming up. What should she do? "You don't actually wanna go to the library and study do you?" Itsuka asked, raising her eyebrow as if she already knew. She did.

"I-I do! I just forgot what specific topics I need to study as it's a few things from each subject." [Y/N] lied smoothly; a red hue having taken over her face. Itsuka smiled knowing her friend is lying, and assuming it's something to do with Iida, she let her get away with it. Itsuka knew that it was a little stalkerish of her friend, but if they actually get some studying done she will let it slide.

"Okay, create a list and we'll study it tomorrow yeah?" Itsuka offered [Y/N] a way out and the girl nodded her head happily. Itsuka was such a good friend, in fact [Y/N] had lots of good friends and she was appreciative of each and every one of them for their own things and ways. She loved Itsuka's motherly attitude, Hitoshi's calmness, Katsuki's bluntness and many more. Since joining class 1-A she gained even more friends, she loved it but a certain someone did not appreciate it the same.

Saturday soon arrived and so did one o'clock. [Y/N] quickly arrived at the library and Itsuka soon joined her, the two shared a greeting before they went inside.

As soon as the doors closed behind the girls [Y/N]'s head was on a swivel trying to find Iida or even Midoriya, but she didn't spot them. "Come on let's get a table over there," Itsuka gestured with her head in order to indicate a free table she spotted in the corner.

"Okay, I brought my list of things to study as well." [Y/N] and Itsuka began making their way over to the table they had chosen. [Y/N] decided that if Iida wasn't there she might as well actually study some things she needed brushing up on.

The girls all sat down at the table and began pulling their stuff out, the pair went through [Y/N]'s list and picked one topic to do first. A hard one that [Y/N] hated making the girl groan and Itsuka to scold her for being too loud.

What Itsuka didn't tell the girl is that she had overheard, from Monoma, that some of Class 1-A were held back on that particular Saturday to discuss their internships. Sadly for [Y/N] that happened to include Iida.

What both of the girls didn't know was that the person that they came to stalk wasn't there but [Y/N]'s own stalker was there, just reading in the back of the library keeping an eye on [Y/N] to make sure she's safe.

Even if whenever his purple eyes caught sight of Itsuka smiling at [Y/N] he felt an anger like no other hit him.

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