Chapter 16

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[Y/N] felt much better after the weekend, Saturday was a little awkward but talking to Hitoshi on the Sunday made her feel a lot lighter than before. Again, she was so happy that Hitoshi was her best friend as without him she didn't know where she'd be.

[Y/N] began walking to school with Katsuki, laughing and joking as usual when she got a call. She pulled out her phone and saw it was Itsuka, why was Itsuka calling her this early in the morning. [Y/N] apologised to Katsuki and answered the phone.

"Hey Itsuka what's up you never call me?" [Y/N] asked as soon as she answered. On the other end hear could hear sobbing, Itsuka was sobbing. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" [Y/N] asked concern, Katsuki looked at the girl in concern.

In between sobs Itsuka finally got out what she needed to tell the girl, "Monoma, they found Monoma dead!" She wailed. [Y/N] stopped, her whole body froze, and she felt an icy chill grip her entire form. Monoma was dead and she had refused to see him leading up to his death.

"Monoma? He's, he's dead?" [Y/N] muttered softly, she felt her eyes sting as tears flooded into her eyes. Katsuki heard the girl and stopped as well, that blond prick she had been ignoring after he told her she couldn't hang out with that purple freak, was dead?

"Yes!" Itsuka wailed, "The police just came to talk to me, and they want to talk to you as well." Itsuka spoke, [Y/N] needed some more information from the girl. When did the police need to talk to her? Why did the police need to talk to her? Was it a murder? Did Monoma commit suicide due to her not talking to him? Was it her fault?

"Okay, are they at school?" [Y/N] refused to let her tears fall for a moment, Katsuki had heard what she had said and grabbed onto her other wrist gently leading her towards the school. He had assumed due to the death the police would be involved and his first thought was a villain, [Y/N] would be safer at school with heroes and the police if it was a villain targeting students.

Itsuka confirmed that the police were at UA and were waiting for the girl to arrive as they had already spoken to Monoma's friends that had arrived, like Itsuka, Tetsutetsu hadn't arrived yet to so he would be spoken to when he arrived.

[Y/N] soon hung up the phone in order to process some things before she met with the police, Katsuki didn't say anything but had furrowed eyebrows and a gentle grasp onto her wrist. He was being very gentle with her as she was dazed away from everything at the moment. Katsuki lead her all the way to school and there stood at the doors was the police.

"[L/N] [Y/N]?" One of the police officers asked the pair as Katsuki lead them straight to the police officers. Katsuki nodded his head and spoke for her at the moment.

"Yeah this is [Y/N], a friend called ahead to inform her you wanted to speak to her so she's a little out of it right now." Katsuki spoke politely, he didn't know why they needed to speak to her, and he didn't want her in trouble. He wanted her to be safe and happy.

"Okay, what's your name?" The police officer asked looking at Katsuki. The officer knew of Bakugo Katsuki, he was a force to be reckoned with but as the officer looked at the grip he had on the young girl they needed to speak to he noticed just how gentle and light it was. The officer even took note of the defensive body language Bakugo had around the girl.

"Bakugo Katsuki, I'm her neighbour and friend." Katsuki explained although he noted the glint of recognition in his eyes before he even said his name. The officer nodded and turned to another of his colleagues, they conversed for a second sparing glances at the boy and girl now and then.

"Okay both of you come with us, we need to ask [L/N] some questions but due to her dazed state you can sit in with us as well." The officer explained making Bakugo nod his head before turning to the girl and explaining the same thing but in a softer and gentler tone.

The officer began leading the way towards a small spare room that was away from the student population, Katsuki still had that same gentle grip on her wrist. He felt a small pit of unease in his stomach as they got closer to the room. [Y/N] was still dazed but a little bit more aware now, she was still processing the death of her friend, but she hoped she would at least get some answers in this questioning.

Shinso watched from afar, jealousy touched at his heart, but he pushed it away, confidence held his heart the most. It had taken them a few days to even find the body and he never touched Monoma, no one saw him follow the boy and there was no weapon. He would not be caught.

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