Chapter 7

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After [Y/N] was called to calm the raging beast that was Bakugo Katsuki in his hero training class Eraserhead had asked if she was willing to be in all of their training classes. [Y/N] had agreed as long as he cleared it with her teachers and such. He agreed to clear it with the necessary people. That evening [Y/N] took Bakugo home, she went with him to his bedroom and sat him on his bed. Thankfully his parents weren't home.

"You didn't have to leave your class for me." Was the first thing that Bakugo spoke to the young girl, he was still leaning on her shoulder but this time not hiding his face from her and the outside world. He was instead just staring at the wall of his room.

"I am always happy to help you Katsuki, that's why I agreed to come to your training sessions now." Her voice was soft and gentle, not as bubbly as usual but more sombre and understanding. She was trying to help the boy and he knew that. "But" she started, "I've never seen you that angry before, can you tell me what it is that caused that?" She asked.

Bakugo felt a pit in his stomach formed as he remembered the reasons that caused his outburst. It was supposed to be a normal day but when his class began talking about the woman he was sat next to. They were all stood waiting for Eraserhead to begin their class when his ears caught onto Todoroki, the stupid half and half bastard, asking Deku a question.

"Midoriya," Todoroki's voice called to the green haired boy, "Who is the girl that always calms Bakugo down?" He asked, Bakugo bristled a little but didn't say anything trying to remember the breathing techniques that [Y/N] had taught him.

"That's [L/N], she's Kacchan's neighbour and has a calming quirk." Midoriya spoke, he titled his head slightly to think. "Why are you asking Todoroki?" Midoriya's curiosity would always get him in trouble.

"My sister is pushing me to get a girlfriend." Was all Todoroki said and that had Bakugo feeling his anger rise in his chest. [Y/N] as Todoroki's girlfriend? Bakugo didn't even like it when she talked about Iida, but at least he had the emotional range to take care of her, Todoroki did not.

But that wasn't the straw that broke the camel's back.

"You talking about [L/N]?" Kaminari, dunce face, asked the boys coming up to them, Midoriya nodded his head while Todoroki is just staring at him. "She's absolutely smoking hot! If she wasn't with Bakugo whenever I see her I'd ask her on a date." Kaminari had a stupid, smiley grin on his face.

"She sits with Monoma at lunch I think," Midoriya spoke aloud his thoughts. Kaminari's eyes lit up but then immediately dimmed. "Now that I think about it whenever I see [L/N] she's always with someone: Kacchan, Monoma and Shinso are who she's closer with." Midoriya's mind was spiralling a little.

"No, she sits with Kendo at lunch, Monoma just happens to be there." Kaminari said, Bakugo felt his blood boiling even further. How did Kaminari know about where she sits and who she sits with? Was he watching her at lunch? How long did he want to ask [Y/N] out for?

But again, that wasn't what caused his main outburst.

"You boys talking about that sexy girl friends with Bakugo, she's got a great body and I'd pay to see her in the shower." Mineta decided to put his thoughts in making Todoroki, Kaminari and Midoriya wince at his comments but Bakugo felt his patience snap just then.

He didn't even say anything he just spun around and punched the little grape fucker before kicking him, Todoroki and Midoriya began pulling him off of Mineta. Which made the raging beast begin to attack them instead. Eraserhead soon had to jump in and try to calm him down, it didn't work, so the students suggested that they go get [L/N]. Eraserhead had no other options and sent Iida to fetch her.

"Come on Katsuki you can tell me." [Y/N]'s gentle prodding for the reason of his outburst brought him back from his memories of the day. Bakugo grunted in annoyance, trying to figure out an excuse that would satisfy her.

"It was just a lot of little things is all," Bakugo vaguely stated, [Y/N] kept quiet, "I don't even know what began it." He lied to fill the silence. [Y/N] began thinking over his words and seemed satisfied with him, she knew that a lot of things can build up over time and cause people to snap.

"Okay." A moment passed with Bakugo still leaning on her shoulder and her hands absentmindedly running through his blond hair, it was surprisingly soft considering how it looked. "I've been asked to come and oversee your training sessions while they search for an anger management counsellor, just in case something like this happens again." [Y/N] explained making her realise she needed to text Hitoshi. Bakugo grunted in response but didn't say anything.

[Y/N] pulled out her phone to text Shinso about the change in her plans.

Hey Hitoshi sorry I left class: [Y/N] 🩵

Im gonna be in the training for a while just in case Kats does something similar: [Y/N] 🩵

ill tell you all about their training classes so you can get into the hero class: [Y/N] 🩵

💜 Hito: As long as youre okay

💜 Hito: youre gonna be missing a lot of class do you want me to send you my notes for all the ones you miss

Yes please but you might need to explain it in person for me: [Y/N] 🩵

💜 Hito: yeah sure sorry got to go see you tmr

Bye Hito: [Y/N] 🩵

Bakugo stared at her phone seeing her contacts and all of her recent messages, she has a lot of friends. [Y/N] closes out of the messages app and Bakugo sees her home screen, it's a picture of her favourite flowers, pale pink dahlias. She had planted some in her garden when she was younger and took a photo once they bloomed, said photo is always her home screen and lock screen.

Bakugo allowed a smile to be evident on his face as he realised that [Y/N] placed her phone down to continue running her hands through his hair. He was so down bad for her.

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