Chapter 19

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"I didn't want you to see that so soon," Shinso's voice was ice cold, [Y/N] was frozen in fear. She was so scared, she felt goosebumps rise on her arms and her whole-body shake. Shinso took a step closer, his steps were heavy and echoed throughout the room. "We wanted you to be comfortable before I showed you what I am willing to do for you," Shinso continued.

"W-what?" [Y/N] stuttered out, her legs shook as she stood and stared at the man. Her eyes were focused on Shinso's own eyes. Shinso's eyes held an obsessive adoration and a hint of fear. [Y/N]'s own eyes held pure fear, terror coursing through her veins.

"You're going to stay here with me, everyone else is going to hurt you, I'll keep you safe." Shinso spoke gently. [Y/N] stared at him in shock, she was terrified. "You'll be happy in here with me I promise." Shinso spoke taking another step towards her. [Y/N] took a step back, but her back hit the wardrobe. A gasp left her lips as she did.

"Please Hitoshi, don't do this." [Y/N] pleaded as Shinso took another step closer, he brought his hands up and was almost an arm's length. [Y/N]'s eyes filled with tears as Shinso gripped her shoulders. Tears fell down her cheeks making Shinso's heart clench.

"You'll be happy here with us." Shinso spoke activating his quirl, [Y/N]'s tears and her shaking made him feel the need to use it. He felt a little guilty but knew that in the end she would be happy.

"No-" [Y/N]'s eyes glazed over, and she had a dazed look on her face. Her shaking stopped, her face went deadpan and her whole body relaxed. Shinso's hands relaxed on her shoulders, he felt a lot calmer when she stopped shaking and stopped crying, but the tear tracks were still clearly on her face.

"Let's head to bed," Shinso guided her to the bed, she laid down on the bed and Shinso pulled her in to cuddle. As she laid next to Shinso her mind was working to try and figure out how she was going to get out. Shinso felt so much calmer with her next to him, he pulled out his phone to text his parents what has occurred.

The sun soon set and [Y/N]'s phone began lighting up, vibrating and making noises as Bakugo began texting and calling her. [Y/N] and Shinso were laid in bed together, Shinso had her arms wrapped around the woman. He had never been so happy.

As he laid there, content, he decided to go and talk to his parents properly. He unwrapped his arms from around [Y/N] and planted a kiss on her forehead, the dazed look in her eyes didn't faze him. "I'll be back soon," Shinso spoke softly before swinging his legs over the side of his bed and moved towards the door. He opened the door and just before leaving he took another glance at the girl laid on his bed, "Stay there baby," He spoke before leaving through the door.

Hitoshi went down the stairs and headed to the living room where he could hear the TV playing, his feet carried him to the living room and then he sat on the sofa. Mihoko and Hajime looked over and Hajime paused the movie that was playing.

"She's in bed," Hitoshi spoke softly making Mihoko nod her head, Hajime just blinked. "It didn't go as well as I had hoped but she's here now." Hitoshi continued. Mihoko looked at her nails, she loved the small girl and wanted her to be happy, but she would be happy in the end.

"That's good. I'm disappointed she didn't reciprocate it as well as we hoped, but she's here and that's enough." Hajime spoke in his deep voice, the roughness of it making the others in the room pay attention to the man. Hitoshi listened in rapture, his parents were so wise in ways of their family 'yandere' curse.

"I think we should give her a few rules and have a proper conversation in the morning, she needs the evening to adjust. I'm assuming you've got her under your quirk?" Mihoko asked making Hitoshi nod his head. Hajime agreed with his wife.

"I'm gonna head to bed and make sure she's sleeping properly." Hitoshi spoke as he stood, Mihoko nodded at her son and offered goodnights. Hajime also spoke goodnight before wrapping his arms around Mihoko, he was feeling cuddly. Mihoko placed a kiss on her husband's forehead before Hitoshi left the room.

Hitoshi moved up the stairs, feeling nervousness bite at him as he walked up the stairs. His heartbeat got faster and faster as he got closer to his door, he opened the door, and his eyes immediately flew to the bed. The nervousness ebbed away as soon as he realised that [Y/N] was still on the bed.

"I'm back [Y/N]," He spoke and got changed into some pyjamas, he then picked up some of his clothes including sweatpants and a hoodie. He moved towards the bed and stood at the girl's bed side. "Get changed into these pyjamas." Hitoshi commanded making the girl stand to attention and get changed, Hitoshi turned around as she did so.

[Y/N]'s mind was screaming at her as she got changed into the boy's clothes, Hitoshi turned around when he heard no more rustling of clothes. "Okay, let's get to bed." Hitoshi climbed into his bed and commanded [Y/N] to place herself within his arms. Once she was in his arms Hitoshi felt sleep creep into his body, he was so easily relaxed with the girl within his arms.

When the boy dropped off [Y/N] felt her body become her own once again. Her eyes flew open in shock realising the boy had dropped off into sleep, she felt her limbs become her own. As soon as she did she realised she could slip out of the house and away from all of this.

[Y/N] slowly and quietly unwrapped Shinso's arms from around her, her eyes flitting between his arms and his face. He didn't wake up thankfully. [Y/N] allowed a small breath of air to escape her as she finally made her way out of Shinso's arms. She climbed off the bed as slowly as she could, as quietly as she could.

As soon as her feet touched the bedroom floor she moved towards the door, slowly and quietly. Her eyes once again switching between her hands on the door handle and Shinso's face. He didn't wake up thankfully. When the door opened [Y/N] slipped out of the door frame and once again slowly and quietly closed the door.

Her feet slowly padded down the steps, when she touched the ground floor her eyes moved to the kitchen table where her bag still was. [Y/N] tentatively stepped over to her bag, she grabbed it and slung it over one shoulder before her eyes roamed to the front door.

The last obstacle before her in the way of her freedom.

[Y/N] moved to the door and began doing the same process to open the front door, once the door was partially open she grabbed her shoes and slipped the guest slippers off her feet. She would never be coming back here, and she would be telling the police about her experience. [Y/N] stepped out of the door and then slowly closed the door. Once the door was closed she turned and ran.

Hitoshi slept soundly in his bed while [Y/N] ran through the streets, her socked feet beat against the path as she pushed herself to run far away from the home that was going to be her prison.

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