Chapter 2

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After the eventful lunchtime the bell rang signalling the end of lunch, [Y/N] packed her stuff up and threw away the rubbish. "Bye guys see you tomorrow!" [Y/N] called to the three who began walking the other way. The three shouted their same sentiments waving back in varying degrees of enthusiasm.

"BYE [L/N]!" Tetsutetsu shouted at the girl happily, she felt a little embarrassed at the boys loud voice, but it was Tetsutetsu he was intense, and it made him, well him.

"See ya tomorrow [Y/N]." Kendo's much calmer goodbye was appreciated, [Y/N] loved Kendo they had been friends for years and they couldn't be separated.

"Bye." Monoma mumbled out, he was partially unconscious after Kendo hit him, he was making fun of class 1-A. Specifically a blond boy with a black lightning bolt in his hair.

[Y/N] laughed at their separate personalities as she turned the opposite way to go down to her classroom. She had a smile on her face and a skip in her step, she was ready for the rest of the day at school then she would walk home happily. She entered her classroom 1-C and went to her seat; her seatmate was already sat in his seat waiting for the afternoon classes.

"Hi Shinso, how was your lunch?" [Y/N] asked the sleepy boy, he nodded his head to welcome the girl. She sat down and began pulling out all of her stuff to begin the lessons.

"It was good thank you," Shinso spoke softly getting out all of his things ready before realising he didn't have a pen or anything to write with. "Can I have a pen please?" He asked [Y/N]. The girl pulled out of her pens, it had a cat on the top of it, she handed it to the boy, and he looked fondly at the cat on top of the pen.

"You can keep that one I have about a hundred pens," [Y/N] smiled to the boy who smiled fondly back at her. She was happy she had made a friend on the first day in her class, the boy was sat on his own in the back of the class with a sour look on his face but when she sat down next to him and greeted him he looked at her and attempted to ignore her. [Y/N] was persistent though and pushed him to become friends with her, which he did.

"Thanks [L/N]," He said gratefully, he remembered his first day a little different. He noticed her as soon as she walked in, the smile on her face making her look as if she had walked out of heaven just to grace them with her presence. She was a goddess among mortals who had no right to look at her. When she walked in he knew that this was 'the moment' his parents talked about when they met, and he was just going to observe and admire her from a distance, but she sat next to him. [L/N] [Y/N], the goddess among mortals, chose to sit next to him. He tried to ignore her for a little, believing himself not worthy to speak or gain her attention, but it made her sad and he couldn't allow that, so he became close to her. She allowed him to become close to her and he was now worthy to be next to her.

Class continued like normal, and he found himself drawn not only to her face but also to the cat pen she had given him. His glances flitting between the cute cat topper on the pen and her gorgeous concentration face. She was staring intently at the board taking in everything she could from the teacher. Her [eye colour] eyes not even glancing in his direction once, her [hair colour] hair behind her ears so she could see and make notes.

Once the fifth lesson had finished for the day [Y/N] stretched her arms above her head, allowing a few pops to escape her joints in her shoulder. [Y/N] turned to Shinso for the small ten-minute break, "Hey Shinso," She spoke softly to the boy who seemed to be a little sleepy. "Are you asleep?" [Y/N] poked his cheek gently.

The boy jumped and stared at the smiling girl in awe. She had poked him; she had touched him, and she was smiling. [Y/N] was widely smiling at the boy. "Nah just resting my eyes," Shinso answered her question.

"That's good, you don't want to miss anything important." [Y/N] chastised the boy, who nodded his head along with her words. A small smile took over his face as he looked at her. She was so beautiful and so pure.

"If I miss anything you can just teach me it, can't you [L/N]?" Shinso spoke making [Y/N] turn slightly pink. Shinso spotted the pin tint to her cheeks and smiled at the girl.

"You know Shinso you can call me by my first name, we're best friends right?" [Y/N] smiled at the boy, Shinso stopped for a second trying to process the words that the girl had said. She considered them best friends and wanted him to call her by her first name? She had deemed him worthy of her affections and closeness and first name.

"[Y/N]," her name rolled out of his mouth and left a pleasant taste in his mouth. He loved speaking it; he loved speaking it to her. She smiled at the boy. "You can call me by my first name as well then." Shinso spoke, his voice was nonchalant but inside he was going a bit crazy.

"Sure Hitoshi!" [Y/N]'s cheerful voice spoke, as soon as the name left her lips Shinso felt tingles all over his body. Goosebumps raised on his arms and legs, he got lightheaded and dizzy. The world seemed to get brighter just from her speaking his first name.

"Alright settle down, time for the next class." Their teacher spoke from the front, making [Y/N] turn to face the teacher but Shinso couldn't tear his eyes away from the girl who had deemed him worth sitting next to her, worth to call her by her first name, worth to be her best friend and worth to be with him. He was so grateful for her.

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