Chapter 5

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"We have a free study period so make sure you get some studying done for the test tomorrow." The teacher spoke to the students, "I'll be here if you need me." She spoke before sitting down at her desk and getting some papers out. As soon as she sat down some students began moving desks to sit next to their friends.

"Hitoshi do you wanna study together or do you want to study separately?" [Y/N] asked the boy who sat next to her. Hitoshi turned to the girl and smiled at her softly, before he could answer three boys came up to the pair.

"Hey, you two, do you mind if we study with you?" Tanaka's familiar voice asked the pair, Shinso looked up at him feeling a little annoyed at his presence along with the twins. [Y/N] looked up at the three and realised who it was, she wasn't the happiest to see Tanaka as she didn't like him too much, but she wasn't familiar with the other two.

"Umm, I think me, and Hitoshi are going to study just the two of us." [Y/N] answered the boy, Tanaka raised an eyebrow and glanced at Shinso. He wasn't really too worried about the words the girl had spoken but a bit more about the name she used for Shinso.

"You're on first name basis with each other?" Tanaka said before pulling up a chair for the three of them. [Y/N] sighed but didn't say anything, Shinso also sighed, and side eyed the girl he had a small crush on.

"Yeah I mean [Y/N] and I are best friends so why shouldn't we be?" Hitoshi asked, Tanaka smiled but didn't say anything. "We should do some studying if you're gonna stay." Hitoshi spoke pulling out his stuff to work.

"Okay, what should we study first? The test is in maths, and I think I have a list of all the topics that should be covered in the test." [Y/N] spoke looking in her bag for her book and stuff. Hitoshi smiled at the girl and nodded his head.

"You're so smart and organised [L/N]." Sora spoke next, his smooth voice said to the girl. She paused for a second, not realising he knew her name and she had no idea who the fuck he was. The girl had seen him about but never spoken to the boy.

"Sorry I never got your names." [Y/N] spoke smiling softly, the twins smiled at the girl. The orange haired one, Sora, looked at her with a small smirk on his face and the red-haired one, Riku, had a softer shyer look on his face.

"I'm Sora," Said boy lifted a hand to his chest before gesturing towards his brother, "That's Riku my brother. Just call us by our first names so we don't get confused with our last names." Sora smiled at the girl even wider.

"Nice to meet you, it seems that you already know my name." [Y/N] spoke smiling at the boys. Tanaka looked a little jealous of the attention she was giving to the twins but didn't say anything. Shinso didn't say anything, but side eyed the young girl. He had a little twinge of jealousy in his stomach. "So, let's start on this topic." [Y/N] said and pointed at the words on the piece of paper in front of her. The boys all agreed, and they began working with a little tension between the group.

The bell rang a couple of hours later and the five of them began packing their stuff up, "Do you want to sit with us for lunch [L/N]?" Riku asked the girl, his soft voice only just being heard over the hustle and bustle of the classroom. [Y/N] picked up her bag and placed it down on her seat neatly.

"No, it's okay I'm going to sit with my childhood friend and her friends." [Y/N] tells them, Riku frowned slightly. Sora and Tanaka heard it and also frowned, but Tanaka decided to try and convince her. He swung his arm over her shoulder making her jump slightly.

"Oh, come on [L/N], please sit with us." Tanaka pouted leaning down close to [Y/N]'s face. She tried to keep her face and body language as open as she could, but her eyebrows furrowed for a moment.

"It's all good Itsuka is probably waiting for me." [Y/N] smiled warmly and then shifted to move away from Tanaka. She waved to the three boys before moving towards Shinso. "Bye Hitoshi I'm off to lunch, I'll see you after lunch okay?" She smiled even wider at the boy. The three boys, Tanaka, Riku and Sora, all looked a little jealous but didn't say anything.

"Yeah no worries, I'll see you after lunch." Hitoshi smiled widely at the girl and then waved as she almost skipped out the door. She made her way out the door and towards the lunchroom, kind of being carried towards the hall by the crowd.

Once she entered the cafeteria she went and grabbed some food for lunch before looking for Itsuka, she found her quite early due to Tetsutetsu's loud voice, making [Y/N] giggle. The girl went towards the loud voice of Tetsutetsu, knowing she was in for a world of fun when she got there. She couldn't wait to tell Itsuka about the boys she has encountered.

"[Y/N]!" Itsuka waved to the young girl as she spotted her walking towards them. [Y/N] smiled warmly and slipped into the booth, she placed her tray down with her food and then gave Itsuka a side hug. "How was your day?" Itsuka asked the girl, Monoma and Tetsutetsu looked at the girl waiting for her to say something.

"Hey Itsuka, Monoma and Tetsutetsu. Oh, I do have things to tell you!" [Y/N] spoke clapping her hands excitedly. Itsuka's eyes lit up in excitement, she wanted all of the little gossip. Monoma was excited as well, Tetsutetsu was not as excited, but he knew the others wanted to hear it.

"So yesterday I met some of Katsuki's friends," [Y/N] spoke smiling, Itsuka smiled widely as she heard her talk about her neighbour and friend. "Then this morning in our free study periods Hitoshi and I were joined by three guys who kept asking me to join them for lunch." [Y/N] explained, "Oh, and Katsuki's friends all thought we were dating. How funny is that?" She laughed a little at the last statement.

"Wait Katsuki? As in Bakugo Katsuki in Class 1-A?" Monoma asked shocked at how she knew that explosive and pompous asshole and was on first name basis with him. [Y/N] and Itsuka turned to Monoma and nodded their heads at him. "How do you know that asshole?" Monoma asked blinking fast.

"Don't call him an asshole and yeah, we're neighbours and friends." [Y/N] smiled at the boy, she did like Katsuki. Monoma blinked even more, Tetsutetsu smiled widely at the girl glad she had some close friends other than Itsuka as he was a little worried she didn't have any other friends than them.

"Oh, shut up Monoma, [Y/N] tell me more about the boys who came over to you in the study period." Itsuka waved down Monoma before turning to [Y/N] to hear about the boys. Before [Y/N] could respond a loud yell caused them all to look over to the other side of the cafeteria.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP DEKU YOU PATHETIC LOSER!" Katsuki's familiar yell made [Y/N] jump she saw a chair being picked up. Before it could be thrown at the classmate, Midoriya, [Y/N] stood up quickly and made her way quickly over to the boy. She placed her hand on Katsuki's shoulder and allowed her quirk to take effect.

"Calm down you big baby!" [Y/N] scolded as her quirk took full effect, Bakugo placed the chair down and his muscles relaxed. All of class 1-A looked shocked at the girl who arrived and calmed Bakugo down, she was like some saviour who had calmed the raging beast of their class.

"Hey [L/N] thanks for saving me," Midoriya's shaky voice was heard, Bakugo didn't look at the boy but turned to the girl instead. He didn't want to look at the boy as his own anger would fight against [Y/N]'s quirk and he didn't want to do that to her.

"No worries, I didn't use my quirk on him this morning but maybe I should do it every morning." [Y/N] smiled at the green haired boy. Class 1-A was frozen. How did this sweet, cute and adorable girl be close to the raging beast that was Bakugo Katsuki.

"Heya [L/N] you're like a saviour! Whenever Bakugo gets too angry we should call you to calm him down." Kaminari laughed as [Y/N] smiled. Bakugo grumbled before sitting down to eat his food.

"Anyway, I'm off to go eat, I'll see you after school Kats." [Y/N] waved to the boy who simply nodded his head to the girl and grunted. She waved to the rest of his class and then turned to go and went back to her table.

Shinso smiled seeing how she swooped in to help the boy, [Y/N] was happy, so Shinso was happy even if he was sat with the three boys who were also staring at the girl. As long as the girl was happy he didn't care about anything else.

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