dustin has a girlfriend?

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The Party had decided to have a welcome home surprise for Dustin and Asher, which at first they thought would go well, but didn't end up going so great

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The Party had decided to have a welcome home surprise for Dustin and Asher, which at first they thought would go well, but didn't end up going so great. Surprising Dustin and Asher was not as good of an idea as they thought... thinking about it, they were surprising someone who had just been in juvie for six months having to watch everything around him to make sure he wouldn't get jumped. Yeah, looking back on the idea, it probably wasn't the best one that the Party has ever had. But yeah, long story short, Lucas got sprayed in the eyes with hairspray and Mike nearly got punched in the face by Asher, but luckily Eleven stopped him just in time.

So after that disaster, Dustin decided to show Mike, Eleven, Will and Asher the inventions he made at camp while Max was helping Lucas get all of the hairspray out of his eyes. "I call it... The Forever Clock" Dustin says to the four "All right, powered by wind. Very useful in the apocalypse" He says before handing the clock to Will and getting another invention out "Then, I give you... The Slammer" He says, turning on his invention, which kind of scared Eleven "Pretty neat, huh?" Dustin asks with a chuckle.

"That could do some serious damage to someone" Asher says with a laugh, taking The Slammer off of Dustin "Can I keep this?"

"No, you're on three years probation" Dustin says, quickly taking the invention back "I'm not letting you go back to juvie, my mom will have a heart attack if that happens."

"Yeah, I don't want Claudia to have a heart attack" Asher mumbles, knowing that it's probably for the best that he didn't keep it.

"Oh and I almost forgot" Dustin says with a smile, grabbing the bag that was sat behind him "This is my masterpiece" He says, placing the bag on the floor, making the other kneel down in front of it "I would like you to meet... Cerebro" He says, opening the bag which is full on junk.

"What exactly are we looking at here?" Mike asks, being very confused and still in a mood over the fact that Asher had nearly punched him earlier.

"An unassembled one of a kind battery powered radio tower" Dustin happily says.

"So, it's a... a ham radio?" Will asks, being just as confused as Mike is.

"The Cadillac of ham radios" Dustin answers "This baby carries a crystal-clear connection over vast distances. I'm talking North Pole to South. I can talk to my girlfriend whenever and wherever I choose."

"Girlfriend?" The four ask Dustin at the same time.

"How did Dustin manage to get a girlfriend before me?" Asher asks Eleven as he turns to look at the girl, who just shrugs in reply.


The Party had all decided to go and talk to Dustin's girlfriend, Suzie, and Asher was very happy about it. For one, he was happy that Dustin had finally gotten his first girlfriend, which somehow was before Asher got a girlfriend, and he was also happy that because Dustin had brought up Suzie, no one was asking him about his time in juvie. Even though it wasn't too bad for him; Asher didn't really want to relive the past six months. All Asher wanted to do was forget about his time in juvie and get though his three year probation without getting arrested again.

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