February, 2057
In January, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Antigua and Barbuda, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines joined the Union.
Alex, had a great plan. He decided to give a speech to the NAC in Union hall. He began :
"Congresspeople, from all walks of life, from all countries of the Union are assembled here. In Ottawa, in Union Hall, to support a vision. A vision of peace and prosperity. In order to uplift Humanity toward the future, we must orient our selves to the cosmos, turning our heads to the stars above. I propose to advance the goal of Humanity, we summon a bill to turn NASA into a joint North American Space Agency, with that name.We must act for the benefit of all humans everywhere, and if there is life on other planets, it is our duty to make contact. Therefore I must invoke the famous motto, that for so long has been the motto of Spain 'Plus Ultra'...Further Beyond, as we like to Spanish explorers in the days of yore, venture past our own pillars of Hercules, and explore the great unknown!"
Mass applause broke out and when it came to a vote, only 10 North American Congresspeople (NACPs) voted against it, all from the far right Patriots Party.
The North American Space Agency was established, and plans were made for a satellite called the "North American Climate and atmospheric observer" (NACAO).
NACAO-1 was planned to launch in May,2058.
In unity there is strength, A story in the German chancellor verse
FanfictionThis story has a center to center left bias, extremist characters may be shown but this is for comedy and those characters views are not my own. A young royals story canon compliant to the end of season 2 except Wilhelm was forced to abdicate