Chapter 25 - Emergency Situation

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April, 2057

A crisis had developed in Haiti, there was a military coup and the President was ousted. Followed by a massive uptick in Gang violence, a major concentration of Gangs United and formed the Axis Junta. The Axis Junta was marching on the capital and slaughtering civilians along the way.

Alex carefully followed developments, keeping his staff close in case anything happened.

Edward Biden, who by this time was Alex's chief of Staff questioned him about the possible response to the situation.

"Sir, what will we do if the Axis Junta takes over Haiti?" Edward asked.

Alex responded "We may have to intervene, both the Axis Junta and the current Military government, the United Military Council, are extremely corrupt and I have contacts in Haiti who are suffering immensely. I say worst case we have to occupy the country for a few years, of course we would need the UN to legalize the Invasion. "

"Do you want me to call Secretary General Castillo?"

Alex answered "Yes, that would be good."

Edward dialed the phone and the Secretary General picked up

"Chancellor Garner" she said.

"Madam Secretary General"

"What do you want?" She asked.

"I need to ask a question, the Axis Junta is a massive threat to the region and to Haiti. I have insiders that estimate that 10,000 so far have been killed in the fighting with the Military government. If the NAU was to invade Haiti and occupy the country until the situation stabilized would the UN be ok with that?" Alex said.

"Yes, as long as the invasion complies with International Law" said Castillo.

"Could we get a secret UN resolution backing us up?" He asked.

"Sure" she said.

And the secret resolution was passed quietly in case of an Axis Junta (gang)Takeover.

A couple days later, Edward ran up to him.

Out of breath Edward said "Port-au-Prince has fallen, the government has surrendered. The Axis Junta is in charge".

"Ready me, I need to make a statement"

Alex had already discussed the invasion with the NAU leaders and they had agreed. 

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