Chapter 36 - The Late Great

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March, 2061

Alex was watching TV with Tim and Will. It was news coverage of Ramírez's indictment, which had came recently and was preparing for his trial. Carlos Mendoza Ramírez had switched to the Patriot party and became leader of it.

Despite being a pedophile, he had a large cult following that believed what ever he said. Now he was giving a speech in El Paso right in front of the North American Supreme Court.

Mendoza Ramírez began:

"This is a Garner indictment, this is a total witch hunt. I am being persecuted more than Socrates. This will not stand as I have absolute immunity from when I was chancellor. This Sham indictment will be removed and if not there will be blood in the streets. Did you ever watch the Netflix Show Wednesday. Tyler Galpin wonderful guy, as he said 'Im tougher than you think' that applies to our movement too, the Make North America Great Again movement(MNAGA). The Late Great Tyler Galpin. This is worse than the Nelson Mandela trial, I'm the new Nelson Mandela. This sham trial will destroy this Union and if I am convicted there won't be a Union left. North America will be a third world continent!"

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