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Sadie Taylor was just seven when her mother married again. Her brother Johnny was four. Her sister, Tee, was only three.

None of them could remember their birth father. Their mother had raised them single for the first few years of their lives.

But Keith, their mother's new husband... oh, Sadie remembered every detail of him.

He was abusive. It was the only way to put it.

Every night, he would arrive home late from the pub, his car wheels screeching in the drive. He was drunk but he drove anyway. And then he would march straight into the house and start on the kids' mother, beating and slapping and kicking her.

The images were permanently scarred in Sadie's brain.

There were a few instances where he went for the three children, as well.

Sadie was the main target. She was the eldest, the easiest to deal with.

But some of the things he had done to her...

She lived with the scars. And she would have them for life.

The day the Taylors got taken into care, Sadie was nine.

Two years.

It had taken two fucking years to get them out of their household.

But despite Sadie's anger at this, she soon learned that care wasn't that bad.

Well, it was. The bathroom rota was shit, and the amount of noise that everyone made, and you should not get her started on the TV remote, but... it was home.

Or at least, it felt like home.

Problem was, the word 'home' was tainted for her. And it would be all her life.

'Home' no longer meant hugs, smiles, kisses and fun.

It meant bruises, broken bones and- and abuse. Abuse in more ways than one.

But, with the help of a certain boy, whom Sadie learns to hate, then love, then everything in between, maybe 'home' could mean something good again.

Maybe it can mean love again.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ꨄ︎  𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 (Tracy Beaker Returns)Where stories live. Discover now