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Pool was a game Sadie had got considerably good at during her time at The Dumping Ground.

And because she was good, she was competitive.

So, contrary to how things had been lately, Sadie and Liam were arguing yet again at the pool table that day.

"That was not a foul! I hit yellow first!" Liam yelled.

"Um, we all saw it hit red!" Sadie snapped back.

"Who 'all saw it', exactly-?"


"Hm, I don't think so-"

"Um, guys!" Tracy's voice made them all turn round. She was dressed in smart clothes, and her hair was done, so Sadie presumed she had been formal.

But what she said was: "I've been offered a job in London. As a junior reporter for a newspaper."

"Wow," Carmen said.

Then Tracy said. "So I'm leaving."

No one said anything.

Then Sadie asked. "The fuck...?"

Tracy looked at her desperately and said. "Look, I've dreamt of this job ever since I lived here. I'm sorry, I can't turn it down. It means too much."

"And we don't?" Sapphire demanded, sticking her pool cue on the table despite them being in the middle of a game. "Well, that's put us in our place."

"No, I- I didn't mean that-" Tracy tried as Sapph walked up to her.

"Don't beat yourself up, Beaker," she said, in her face now. "You're just one in a long line of care workers. Easy come, easy go."

"Bye bye, Tracy!" Harry said as he followed Sapph out, both of them leaving the room and the scene.

"I'm not leaving yet," Tracy tried again, her eyes becoming teary.

"I think this is great!" Carmen, meanwhile, took a different perspective. "You can write about us all and make us all famous!"

Tracy gave her a small smile before saying. "Well, I don't know about famous, but I would like to write about you," she turned so she was facing all of them. "I want you to tell me what it's like being in care."

"You know," Sadie spoke again, fighting to keep her voice from wobbling. "You know what it's like."

"Yeah, but..." Tracy took a deep breath. "The editor wants the article from your point of view. It's kind of a test. If it doesn't pass, I don't get accepted."

"Hold on, hold on, hold on," Liam's voice was harsh. "You wanna leave us, but you want our help?"

"Yeah, no," Sadie snapped, standing up.

"Never thought I'd say this, but I'm with her," Liam pointed towards Sadie, getting up with her.

Tracy was teary as she addressed the two, who were in the doorway now. "Liam, Sadie, please-"

"Please what?" Sadie demanded. "You've made your bed. Lie in it."

"If you wanna go, go," Liam agreed. "But you ain't getting our help."

Wait, what? As Sadie left the room, she couldn't help feeling strange. He said 'our', not 'my'. He- he...

She had no idea why that meant so much to her.

Or why she felt so weird all of a sudden.


Sadie was going to bed earlier that night, and so had clashed with Tee, Carmen and Lily in the bathroom. All four girls were brushing their teeth, but speaking as they did it.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ꨄ︎  𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 (Tracy Beaker Returns)Where stories live. Discover now