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A few things had happened in the past two weeks.

One was that Theo had been sent to juvie, trying to call Sadie multiple times before it. The girl had blocked his number and deleted him from her life, and she was proud to say now that she was over him. To fill the time spent with him, she was spending more time with Johnny and Tee, her siblings, and filling the gaps. She was also mending her relationship with Tracy, which had sort of fallen apart when she defended Theo over her.

The second was that Lily had come back, without her sisters. Sadie knew it was because she had fallen out with Matt and Christie, her foster parents, which had caused them to oust her from the house.

It just made Sadie scared that someone could take her away from Johnny and Tee.

The third was that Liam and Sadie had not been going at it as much. Well, yeah, there had still been the occasional bicker, but not nearly as much as before.

The final thing was that today, of all days, Carmen's mum, Helen, had made an appearance.

She had apparently forced her way in without permission and as soon as Carmen had seen her she had screamed and ran off. Sadie didn't blame her. She assumed she would react the same way if her dear mother ever showed up.

However, not everyone in the house thought the same was her.

That day, she was sitting on the couch, Tee and Toby across from her, and Frank, Liam, Johnny and Sapphire playing pool behind them.

"Poor Carmen," Tee sighed.

"Poor Carmen?" Johnny repeated. "Hasn't seen her mum in - what, not since we've been here - and then as soon as she sees her, screams her head off and runs away. How dumb is that? No way her mum's gonna come back now."

"Who cares? They're just parents," Sapphire rolled her eyes.

"Uh, you don't know what's gone on," Liam spoke up. "She's probably got reasons why she doesn't wanna see her mum. What happens if she's like your dad? What's his name, Kevin or something?"

Even though he hadn't said his name exactly, Sadie's body still froze. She stood up, anger pulsing through her body as she yelled at Liam. "He is not our dad! Just shove off, Lydia!"

"She's still your mum though, isn't she?" Liam smirked. "Don't see her fighting to get you back."

"Liam!" Johnny and Tee yelled at the same time.

"Take. It. Back," Sadie clenched her fists. "Or I'll make you."

"So make me."

Siezing a pool cue, Sadie ran towards the boy, hitting him hard on the arm.

Then, before she could think, she was lunging at the boy, landing a good punch in his stomach. Liam then got one to her lip before she got his nose, then they were on the ground-

"Ow- get off me!"

"Come on! Me and you-"

"Get OFF, Lydia-"

"How about no-"

"Hey! STOP IT!" Gina yelled as she and Tracy got into the room, pulling the boy and girl apart. Liam's nose was bleeding and Sadie's nose, but they were still angry enough at each other to go again if they weren't held apart.

Sadie was seething. How dare Liam say that about her family.

It wasn't true. It. Wasn't. True.

But that's the problem.

It kind of was.


𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ꨄ︎  𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 (Tracy Beaker Returns)Where stories live. Discover now