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"Harry! HARRY, I was watching that-! Mike!"

"You said I could play-"

"We said best of three-"

"Oh-! TEE!"

"Give us the ball back!"

"Watch out!"

Sadie Taylor watched, amusement written all over her face, the chaos unfold. It was pure mayhem. Harry was messing with the TV, making Carmen, Lily, Poppie and Rosie mad, Tee had stolen a pool ball so Toby and Johnny couldn't play without including her, Mike was crawling in behind the TV to try and fix it, but failing miserably, and Gus was trailing him about, listing everything that was wrong.

Sadie was sat on her place on the couch, legs sprawled out in front of her. Sapphire, the other 'older girl' in the house, who was a year ahead of Sadie, was also sitting on the couch, her legs meeting Sadie's, headphones in.

As Mike made to leave the room after turning the TV back on, Sadie finally paid attention to it, seeing on it an interviewer with a crazy hairdo and a young woman with straightened black hair and a wide smile on her face, holding a book titled-

"Who Cares? by Tracy Beaker-"

As Carmen flicked off that channel to another one, Mike ran back into the room, yelling. "No, no, no, no, no! Gimme!" He took the remote out of her hands and pressed it aggressively in the direction of the TV.

The channel switched back to the one with the interviewer and the woman on it.

"It's Tracy...!" Mike murmured, standing up and shouting. "Come here, come here, come here, everybody! Look at this! Look!"

"Why? Who is she?" Lily asked from the front.

"That's Tracy Beaker!" Mike was more excited than Sadie thought she had ever seen him. "She used to live here!"

Well, that was a surprise.


Sadie was a, uh... interesting character.

She was a 'if you tell me no, fuck you bitch, I'll do it anyway' type of person.

So the next day in the middle of everyone fighting, Mike telling her she couldn't go out and Gina, the other care worker, yelling about a mess in the kitchen, she slipped out.

Once she was out she got her phone out, checking her messages.

There was a new one up now, from Theo ♡.

On my way now, can't wait to see you, my pretty girl xx

Blushing and smiling like an idiot, Sadie began the walk into town.

Yes, Theo was her boyfriend, if you hadn't already guessed. He was from a care home called Burnywood across town. The care home wasn't altogether so nice, and apparently the care workers were shit, but Theo had met Sadie a few months ago and things had just went from there.

As Sadie got to the park, their usual hangout, Theo was already there, grinning. He ran forwards, hugging her tightly and murmuring into her ear. "Hey gorgeous, I missed you."

Sadie smiled. "I missed you too."

Theo placed a gentle kiss on her neck before leaning back, grinning before saying. "Do you wanna go shopping? I've got some cash, my treat."

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ꨄ︎  𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 (Tracy Beaker Returns)Where stories live. Discover now