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Sadie sat at the table, awaiting a text, as Mike went on about 'fresh start day'.

"What I think Mike means is," Gina finally said. "Is that you can all paint your own rooms!"

Sadie shrugged. Could be worse, but she had better ways to be spending her day.

"There's all this paint left over from the last time you did it, come on guys, make your rooms over!" Mike smiled as he handed out brushes.

As everyone asked about rooms and paint and stuff, Sadie's phone buzzed and she looked down at it, grinning.

Hey Sades, yeah I'm free to hang out today, do you wanna meet at the coffee shop in town at six?

She smiled as she read it. The text was from her friend Jack, whom she knew from when she, Johnny and Tee lived at home. Obviously, when the Taylors got moved into care, she and Jack stopped talking because of the distance, but Jack had recently moved back near Elm Tree, and had texted Sadie last night about meeting up.

Her reaction, smiling at her phone, wasn't missed by Liam, but she ignored him as she looked up to where Tee and Carmen were pouring over the paint choices.

"I wouldn't mind changing rooms," shrugged Tee. "I wonder what they're doing with Toby's?"

"Isn't he coming back?" Carmen frowned.

"Nah, bet he's been fostered," Johnny rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, otherwise he'd have been back by now," shrugged Liam, smirking. "There's still loads of stuff in his room."

Carmen frowned. "What stuff?"

Before anyone knew it, they were all running up to Toby's room.

"But this is all still Toby's stuff," Tee said as they walked in.

"Then he should've sorted something out," shrugged Liam.

"Well, I'm having this," said Carmen, picking up some earphones.

"Don't just take things!" Sapphire said.

"Snooze and you lose," shrugged Carmen.

And that seemed to be everyone's motto as they went round Toby's room, taking most of his stuff. In the end, Sadie took a music player, but nothing more.

"Why didn't you take something else?" Liam finally said.

"Because I don't like to steal people's things, Liam!"

"Toby's not coming back, Sades!" Liam told her with a smirk. "He's moved on!"


Of course, the stealing rampage was found out sooner rather than later.

"Who took my comics?!" Toby demanded in a loud voice as he marched into the living room, Mike on his heels.

Liam sighed. "Me."

"What?" Mike asked.

"He sold them to a shop!" Toby yelled.

"I thought he weren't coming back!" Liam defended himself.

Mike sighed, shaking his head as Toby yanked his earphones out of Carmen's grip. "Is that mine?"

"Right, you put back everything that belongs to Toby," Mike warned. "Immediately!"

As Toby left the room, he said in a quieter voice. "You're all grounded. Nobody leaves the building."

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ꨄ︎  𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 (Tracy Beaker Returns)Where stories live. Discover now