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Liam had tried to have a movie night date with Sadie the other week.

Tried being the operative word.

He had purchased a mini DVD player from town, and got two of her favourite films on DVD so they could watch them up in his room, cuddled together on his bed, with popcorn and pick n mix.

However, the DVDs he had been sold were pirated.

The two films he had bought were Sixteen Candles and Top Gun, her two favourites.

However, because of the stupid fucking pirated films, they hadn't been able to watch them, kissing and cuddling and having the best time.

So yeah, both of them were pretty pissed off.

That's why they were going back to the street seller Liam got the DVDs off of today, to get him done or at least get a refund.

When they got there, Liam chucked the DVDs on the stall table and said to the seller. "These films are rubbish."

The seller chuckled. "Yeah, I've read the reviews."

"He means they don't work," Sadie snapped.

The man took one look at her, smiling. "Well, I'll tell you what would work. You, me, dinner tonig-"

"How about you back the fuck away from my girl?" Liam demanded, pulling Sadie closer to him by the belt loop of her jeans.

The seller shrugged. "If the DVDs don't work, it must be your player."

Liam scoffed. "Look, I know they're filmed in a cinema, you can see the back of people's heads!"

"That's the director's haircut," the seller smirked in Sadie's direction and she rolled her eyes.

Liam pulled her closer, if possible, and said. "Aren't you such a funny bloke?"

"And you're a funny kid," the seller shot back at him, jerking his head in Sadie's direction. "Not good enough for her, though."

Liam stiffened at the way he was looking her up and down but Sadie just said. "I can make my own mind up about people, thanks! And keep your fucking eyes off me."

"Look, we'll be on our way when I get my money back," Liam said.

"And now you're hilarious," the seller smirked.

"Just like your dodgy DVDs," Liam shot back.

"Ouch," the seller said, walking out from behind the stall. "You're hurting my feelings."

He pressed the DVDs into Liam's chest but the boy just shook his head. "You're scamming, ain't ya?"

"Like you'd know!"

And Liam laughed in his face-

"Hey!" A man came round from another stall. "It's a respectable business, mate. So push off."

Liam faced him, trying to put Sadie behind him.

"What'd I say?" The man said to the seller. "Don't chat with the punters."

"Look, we know they're pirates," Sadie informed him plainly.

"All we want is my twenty quid back and we'll go," Liam added.

"I said," the man got up in his face. "Push OFF!"

He pushed Liam backwards and the boy said. "Alright."

But, as he turned away, Sadie knew that he wasn't backing down from this.

"On three, we run back and push that stand over," Liam hissed to her. "One... two... three!"

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ꨄ︎  𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 (Tracy Beaker Returns)Where stories live. Discover now