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"What the fuck is that?!"

Those were the words Sadie Taylor yelled a morning about a month later. Tee, her sister, awoke as well, and both heard the noise.

Someone was ringing the doorbell repeatedly, and it was pissing Sadie off.

She got up, Tee as well, and put on a dressing gown over her usual vest and shorts.

"The hell's that?" She asked, as she met Tracy and a load of the others on the landing.

"Someone's outside," Liam, who was also in a dressing gown, met her, taking her hand and heading down the stairs with her, all the kids following them and them following Tracy.

When she got down there, Tracy opened the door.

"Get in there!"

"Leave him alone!"

"The fuck...?" Sadie muttered.

That was Tyler from Burnywood, and Rick-

"What is going on?" Tracy demanded, as Dennis, the harsh care worker at Burnywood, marched in, three more kids also there.


"Carmen-!" Sadie yelled as Carmen lunged at Tyler.

"HE'S the boy who stole all my stuff at Burnywood!" Carmen shouted, not to be stopped. "And HE'S the care worker who did nothing about it!"

She pointed at Dennis, who stared back at her stonily, letting the other three kids in behind him. One was a girl with shoulder length brown hair, who Sadie didn't know, another was a girl with long blonde hair called Lizanne that she had encountered on her small visit there, and the last one was-

Liam heard her gasp before she even heard it herself. Sadie couldn't breathe. Her heart dropped into her stomach, beating loudly, the sound filling her ears. She squeezed Liam's hand so hard she thought his fingers would break.


Standing there, smirk on his face. His hair was cut shorter and his cheeks more sullen, but it was definitely him.

And he was staring at Sadie, his eyes full of lust, looking her up and down, and she was only wearing a vest and shorts underneath...

She. Couldn't. Breathe-



Before anyone could stop him, Liam lunged at Theo, tackling him over and punching him roughly in the face, over and over.

"GET. OFF!" Dennis bellowed, pulling Liam off.

Theo now sported a bloody nose and a busted lip.

"That how you say hello, Sades?" He asked with a smirk. "You get your little boyfriend to beat the shit out of me?"

"Don't ever speak to me, let alone address me, again," Sadie spoke roughly. "Come on, Liam."

She grabbed her boyfriend's hand, leading them back round and up the stairs.

She didn't know how Theo was here.

And she didn't care.

She. Didn't. Care.


There had been a fire at Burnywood.

Everyone had been evacuated in the early morning, and moved to other care homes. Theo had been among the lot going to Elm Tree.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ꨄ︎  𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 (Tracy Beaker Returns)Where stories live. Discover now