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The worst possible news came that morning.

Sadie was with Gina and Frank at the washing machine when Mike entered the room, announcing. "Just had social services on the phone. Liam's coming back."

Sadie slammed her hands down on the floor.

"What. The. Fu-?"

"And I'm going to stop you there," Gina said in a warning tone.

"No, I'm sorry, but why the hell is he coming back?" Sadie complained, abandoning the washing to rant.

"Shut up, Sadie, it's great news!" Frank said.

Sadie rolled her eyes. "Yeah, Liam O'Donovan, patron saint of being a pain in the arse."

"Language!" Mike signed.

"Whatever," Sadie said, getting up and shoving the rest of the washing in the dryer before slamming the door and marching out.

You see, Liam and Sadie had met a few years ago, when he came to the DG. They had fought, argued, yelled, and all in all just not got on.

The day he got fostered was the best day of Sadie's life.

But now, clearly, he was back.

Oh, fucking hell.


At the moment, Sadie and Tee were sharing a room, owing to the fact that they were sisters and rarely fell out. Sadie had originally had her own room, but because of Sapphire arriving around two years ago and shaking things up, she now shared with her sister. She didn't mind, though. Tee was good company.

She was sat on her bed with her headphones in, looking at her phone as Gus opened the door, Tracy by his side.

Tracy must be on Gus' tour, Sadie thought. Gus took everyone new on tours of The Dumping Ground, and it was always the same.

"This is Tee and Sadie's room," Gus told Tracy. "Tee's a girl, spelt with two E's. Tea, the drink's spelt with an E and an A. Sadie's name ends in IE. She likes to fight with Liam, the boy that's coming back today. You'll probably hear them yelling in the house today."

"Okay, that's enough, Gus," Sadie rolled her eyes.

"No talking on the tour!" Gus reprimanded her, taking Tracy out and closing the door behind them.

Sadie sighed.

Well, Gus was certainly right about one thing.

She did fight with Liam a lot.


"Liam's here!"


"Hi, Liam!"

"Liam, we missed you!"

Sadie, meanwhile, was in her room, texting Theo, when she heard a knock at her window.

"What the f-? Oh, shit," she muttered as, at the window, she saw Liam O'Donovan, hanging on the windowsill.

Sadie rolled her eyes, lurching forward to open the window and saying. "What the fuck are you doing? The door's round that way."

"Oh, nice way to welcome me back, Shady," Liam said.

"It's. Sadie."

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ꨄ︎  𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 (Tracy Beaker Returns)Where stories live. Discover now